health by ancient auyr veda and vastu architecture


Maharishi Rajan Anandam have an ancient title of a wise man both as a profoessor and with knowledge of the wholeness of life and its most important aspects. He may have developed some area of knowledge in order to enjoy the title, maharishi, a great seer. My teacher Maharishi Mahesh Yogi had extreme extraordinary abiblities in seeing trancendental values in life as practical, just as the "trencendental" value of the vacum state of physics is important knowledge and added that vedic values as yoga, breething excercises, meditation and vedic philosophy, is as hinduism open to all religions, but also to atheists or thos not with a religious situation. Of course sun salute, the yoga excercise in honor of the sungod, is extremly valuable just an excersize. The godess Maha Lakshmi, may be understood as a mantra with a sound combinatition, Lakshmi as enliving values of abiblity to focus attentiat, realizing goals, just as the holy yantra perfecionated by me, is a good meditation, without religion beeing a part of it.
My making of universitas yantra, development of Auyr Veda and general knowledge from Maharishi with roots in his teacher the "pope" or Shankaracharia of Yotir Math of India, gives me a position to enjoy the title, which reality is independent og the society of India or meditation organisations. This to poit out that my opinion of Maharishis movement is that person wants to take the movement bult by many and Maharishi to represent their personal needs and the organisation thet made " a global country of world peace", even the name is impossible, because a country is representing boarders or limmited values as their organisation, not for all and defined so, and therefor not global, not even international because they do not have a land of their own and their universal value by trancendental values is like everyones relationship to the trancendental value of life, except they refere to their own personal development and the teaching of Maharishi Mahesh yogies teachers or movement. -His movement, he is gone is left with national organisation put together by World Government of the Age of Enlightenment of 1985, nonpoløitical and therefor different from their "kingdom" of global country, whilw they means that now thet decides, perhaps oposing the authorithy of  Yogi Mahesh, now gone, leaving perhaps in protest against their corruption and "heavan on earth" idea of the world to give them luxery as kings, otherwise they will not share the values given to by India and Maharishi Mahesh yogi to the world by another main organisation. We do not say the billon dollar values is corrupt stolen, tis is not our focus, that we do not kboww. I think however,that the independent, non poltical educational organisation of Maharishi should be restored and invites meditators and teachers of the Age of Enlightenment to join in building it, also to enjoy the values og Auyr Veda enlivened by Maharishi, with a development showing way it is tradition not to deliver these values of knowledge for the profit of what no exists, shops and courses of Auyr Veda where before mediations centers was everywhere, at leat in Norway.
Universitas Yantra is shared with all by an independent foundation, also of my initiatives as a Maharishi, as the flag of world union, with the most ancient value of a global pyramid kingdom.
We invites all in the development of world society with vedic knowledge, meditation, yoga, auyr veda, stapthya veda pyramid architecture and so on to join in building the Universitas Library by many editors of Auyr Veda as main focus. My other foundation not involved in this initiatives administeres the Library and includes the the enterprise to build the capital city of the world as the Universitas Library seat and cultural meetingpoint for the fulfilment of world civilization and we hoped for Maharishi Mahesh Yogi as the Mayor or kong of the capital city, but now gone, I take the place, without aspiration for being king of the world, just for the capital city as Vatican state or mini country, but according to world constitution 99% of all people in the world may vote for me as king of the world, the role is just meant for representing the democracy and the universal and best interests of all by World Constitution of Global Integrity. Adding something new to the world according to the need pyramid of the world found was my ambisition, bing king or not is not even a seconday question and not of interesets, that does not mean that we accept the "country of world peace" to steel from our momentum of progress built, otherwise can the their copying be seen as a compliment, but competing with us being us they are not evenclose to do,as their values are irattional rationalisations for the world to respect themem as king in order for them to share the values Maharishi wanted to give the whole world. This is not a discussion of my foundations of Universitas Enterprise, but relationship to this organisation of international charecter without being a naion. In order to take the development ito fulfilment the fulfilment of their organisations is also suggested, and as they coopetrate wth other nations by their law, world economy, internet and so forth they can easily cooperate with us, without loosing onepointed growth towards their goals, if the goals are legal or decent.
Auyr Veda was a conribution of my teacher, Jai Yohi Mahesh, he inspired to adjust life to patterns of health to enjoy better health.
It is a great joy to follow up with some adjustments of what is considered Auyr Veda or knowledge of life to enjoy health, bliss, intelligence etc. improvements. Just as a found the nature of the yantra and mandala combined with traditonal knowledge, I hope and belive my imrovements is according to origonal and ancient Auyr Veda.
The usual understanding is that vata, pitta and kapha, 3 qualities of the the natural patterns of combinations of the 5 elements, which have an orgional combination giving your physical constituton and how you react to the 5 elements around you by weather, food, drink, lifestyle patterns etc. by your health relationship to the world. Air, water, space,earth and fire and concrete elements and qualities of intelligence and energy giving the combinations which is your individual health constitution and how you react to these elements all the time influencing your body from outside. But the body is built by all 9 substances of the world, not only the 5 first, the 5 elements, the 5 first or bottom chakras of your nevoussystem as communication centrers or 5 agni, the 5 combinations energy and intelligence building your body from the food you eat, the air you breath and the values you are giving the world when receiving food for instance, as how you get your food may be as important as what you eat. The 4 other substances are more subtle, by the 4 of 9 top chakras, where 2 is above your head and it is natural to consider this both from a physical understanding as by growing family with children as well as from the point of view of consciousness and unty consciousness, also from the point of view of the yogi which is a munk. A book must be written in order for this not to be just a vission of auyr veda in perspectve of building health. So the 6th chakra of your psycopysiological constitution, is your self, the experience of your self, most natural, when you relax you enjoy a normal state of just being your self. This is most basic, in India they hae unerstandings of small and big self and vissions of the self being brahman, the self of all. The chakra of the forehead is called third eye and sideview is the most basic value of the ability to focus attention and being aware of the hole, natural health combinations of auyr veda reflected by Universitas Yantra. The 7th chakra related to the 7th state of consiousness, the 7th agni is the 7th substance of the universe, the mind assisting yourself with knowledge, reflecions, intelligence and energy to relate to your world. The 8th chakra is above the head and us related to time as how you are integrated in all going on at the same time and by family sharing time with your wife or husband to grow as a family. The 9th chakra is direction in space, considered as substance to, as basically your family is getting a child, or your house is built to face east, towards sun rise by the roling earth by health architecture, but also by the 9th state of union of consciousness and growth in self realization.
Chakras and agni has not been understood it seems the last thausend years, but the traditional knowledge was there giving direction to us seers, rishis able to understand as knowledge is structured in consciousness according to my teacher Yogi Mahesh, who was brilliant of creativ intellignce in telling easily for all to understand those intellectual values whch is most complex in the world, and as they are within deductial reasoning, it makes sense, his pure brilliance of creative intelligence with vissions including wholeness, was a good start for me developing knowledge as here Auyr Veda where architecture by mathematical perfection also to ensure health, as beeing dedicated to next morning is healthy, is presented elsewhere.
Mail to Maharishi Auyr Veda in India was sent with these reflections:
We have found 9 angni, by 9 chakras, 9 substances of the universe inclusing the 5 elements and 9 states of consciousness and or 9 levels of fulfilment of physical life as by family and chldren. These are universal values and most probably so as the auyr vedic tradition.
Cakra is a communication meeting point for the energies and intelligence building your body from food on 9 levels. represents experts and in spite of us pointing out that the 5 first chakras is by the 5 elements, they must register those 5 as independent agnis, giving 13 agnis they say. The are missing the corelated value of chakra and agni 8 and 9, too and missing the top chakra related to direction in space or akash, as 8th is by time, what is hoing on at the same time, 7th is by mind supporting the self which is the 6th chakra and agni, then the 5 elents is forming the 5 first, so to say.
Being a teacher of the age of enligthenment by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi whose comments to Indian pilosophy gave the logical role of what have beeb more mystical values by the chakras.
We register the following as wrong and not knowledge enough to discuss it with me, or enligthen me of the true knowledge of life, which I hope I communicated to them, as I perfectionated the yantra, I do with the philosophy, but easy control of its perfection, beyond obvious correlations, is more difficult to see, so we welcome feedback. gives the following we questioned.
Fire (heat), in our body, takes the form of the digestive Juices, known as Agni.
Ayurvedic treatment is mostly about sustaining and balancing the Agnis.
They have the qualities of heat and transformation, and are responsible for cooking and digestion of food.
There are 13 types of Agnis
Jatharagni (Digestive Secretions) is made up of five Bhootagnis and is mainly located in the stomach, large and small intestines. It converts food into nutrient plasma that circulates throughout the body and it.
5 Bhootagnis (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Space)
7 Dhatuagnis (Plasma, Blood, Muscle tissue, Fat tissue, Bone tissue, Bone marrow & tissue of the nervous system, reproductive tissue)
The 5 elements agnis are the same as the first 5 agnis and they are short of the 9th agni and proper understanding of most agnis, me generously by above mail sharing with them, allowing them to do it better by cooperation with me, as by the auyr veda library section of Universitas Library where we seeks editors for all parts of auyrvedic expert knowledge as a brainstorm together with statistics of supercomputers where we hope most people joins in, sharing their experiences of the balances with the forces from outside with the combination of these forces which is you, we welcome membership by ordering a newsletter if easy for you to pay the NOK 108 subscription fee for quarerly newsletter by one year, 4-6 newsletters. Otherwise joining our network building may give a free membership newsletter.
It is a great joy to welcome you and perhaps others joins in for giving a fundamental book for the introduction of the editor library cooperation we welcome you to join.
Rajan Anandam Trondheim, Norway

Our enterprise is non political and nn religious, use of modern statistic in medicine is close to the thausend of years of experience of health questions forming Auyr Veda. It is possible to make even Brahman, the consciousnss of one and all, to a sophisticated philoophical question, or physics relation to vacuum state, but here we give only the most basic understanding of health perspective, not the most advanced intellectual chaenges in the world.

We also wants to by the cooperation of all give one free vegetarian meal a day to all, which is good for the rich to as standard naturally is the plan, where people in Norway have hubdred chemicals in their blood due to impure food.

Be free to apply for reprinting the above stating where, when, how and how much you want to cover our expenses with. Maybe if you have a disagreeable comment, we want to comment it on print. However, using the drawing with our universitas yantra logo requiers just reprinting or acceptable comments from you. It is my personal business as I also gives lectures as smal conferences. We welcome a brainstorming of reflection and hopes of mane relations to ancient veda texts as well as tradition, probably not woth the perfection of the yantra so to say.
We also seeks publishers for a book with "ghost writers" so the book may be enjoyable for everyone or a group as archiologiests, scientists, phulosophers, yoga inspired people, or yogies etc. as my language do the job presenting the findings, but a singer or artist of presentation I am not, just a good philosopher knowing the archeology and yoga perspectives presented, as yoga means union.

Hearth chakra of the 9 of the yantra gives also the hearth drawing, only
pointing out the lines allready there. Is this the reason for the hearth symbol
being the most popular in the world, as said used billion on times
on internet every day?
12 channels for prana or chi and 9 chakras, 9x12= 108 marmapoints, perhaps,
seems interesting and natural?

9 levels of consciousness and 9 chakras by the 9 substances of the universe including the 5 elements known to be important by auyr veda and by the yantra also giving the architecture most lifesupporting for once health as well.

Many of the ancient world wide drawings as mandala, yantra, swastika, flower of life is by us integrated and the debate as by those associated with Maharishi Mahes Yogi, my teacher, is good to point out what origional work is ours, so when e are copied we tell, e have not copied them.
Universitas Yantra, our logo, is made from ancient yantra, the 9
triangles, the circle and the square by ancient mandala. Anandam have
combined them by mathematical perfection as the 1000 year old
yantra in India is far from perfect, perhaps a bad memory after 50 000 years and perhaps even the David star from year 1008, may be a bad memory too, as it have values without perfection. Universitas from Latin means “turned into one whole” and from Sanskrit, yantra means ”means of liberation” and many historic memories as the all-seeing eye and flower of life, perhaps originally was related to our advanced logo, difficult to conserve without a pc for drawing. The ancient world wide pyramid society, one world wide kingdom and pyramids by same building rules as facing east is found all over the world. Perhaps the ancient vedic society more than 5000 years old, is the same as the knowledge integrated in society protected peoples health better, perhaps related to astrology positive effects on periods of human history, too. The dome is about stones protecting against radiation, known as perhaps main reason for dying 5000 years ago, as well as protection against the elements and war, storage of food and water, even food production mat be part of
the concept and I man to have read that the ancient society had enormous buildings and building tall buildings is made pssible by the optimum economy and structure of the yantra as architecture, and perhaps building extensions far under ground was the idea, too. The 9 circles of the dome gives one ball room in centre, complete ball and the other half balls, 8 around supports the construction, perhaps with walls of the half balls going into each other. The square structure may give openings below, too, even though around massive stone gave good protection and support for the tall building. The diameter 108m, was one of the key elements when we was looking for the perfection and together with 1008 is known as “holy” numbers. The body have 108 acupuncture or marmapoints for instance.

Universitas Enterprise of World Peace Constitution of the infrastructure of global integrity was founded by Rajan Anandam in 1980 then by name Stein Roar Andersen with seven themes of Universitas Week. The philosophy of the unity of science and all knowledge is theme one, where the next 4 themes is the 4 institutes of comparative research study as Universitas Library of all knowledge, where first referring institute is theme 2, theme 3 the human institute relating knowledge concerning people and society, all possible but also as how developments influences health of society as by climate change, theme4 and 5 is the analysing and synthesising institutes of comparative research study and integrated growth of health for society, as a much better concept than science and technology, sustainable development, optimum economy etc. 6th theme is the capital city of the world as a cultural meeting point for the fulfilment of world civilisation, centre for the global reference centre of knowledge far better and with a new internet not possible to abuse, with new computers not possible to reach by hacking and so forth. Integrity-net is the concept of a new internet and Global Times of Integrity one of the means of sharing knowledge where everyone is welcome to be an editor, presenting something as news or pieces of knowledge. The capital city of the world a meeting point for the best interest of one and all within what is universally acceptable. 7th theme is celebration of fulfilment, where celebrations of good standards without social control of drugs, alcohol, music with bad lyrics, as many wants to exploit a common meeting point to promote their own interest in an unnatural or not decent way. Celebrations so far have been annual inauguration of new year on March Equinox or the Day of the Independence of the Citizen. The protection of these values not to be exploited for unfair competition or to represent also isolated interests is by World Constitution of non political global democracy, defining the universal, common goals of the best interest of mankind, of one and all. The 4 goals of focus of integrated growth is new fundamental economical world order, a minimum free of housing food and clothes, where producing and distributing one free vegan meal a day to all is a practical theme as Global Bank also with the opportunity of paying a minimum income free to all, just start to pay as soon as the world democracy accept the non political minimum to all, as we just want to add the infrastructure of global integrity, New Fundamental Global Order, not interfere with politics, governments, religion, etc. Happy news, it is just starting pay when everyone agrees to accepting free money to fulfil world economy also by integrated growth of pure effective competition, too. Then New fundamental Information, Communication Research ad Education order is aspect to of the infrastructure, where Universitas Library is the theme, then it is the principles of non political democracy and universal celebrations, complete the 4  aspects of the infrastructure of world peace. These 4 by the seven themes and nothing else to disturb the common
interests and universal cooperation hopefully of all or most people in the world. Integrated Growth businesses was allowed by constitution decades ago and is extended as projects to build 108 000 new nations, perhaps several in union, by as many floating cities and climate ships and all governments are welcome to share ome land for these new nations as well, most probably as new kingdoms by a constitution close to the Norwegian, but without parliamentarism or parties as today. World economy needs fulfilment not only because by-products as poverty is extreme shame and giving depth using money, but also because world society by economy is damaging the world by the ecosystems which is common property not allowed for such exploitation as the loss of integrity world society depends on is a price totally unacceptable. 108 000 huge climate ships with updraft towers, together with other approaches is what it takes to cool the huge ocean covering 71% of earth and regulating temperature, and thereby also remove danger of other greenhouse gasses than CO2pollution, rise of sea level, extreme weather and collapse of ecosystems and thereby world society as we know it. Not being able to realize the infrastructure without participating in world destruction possible terrorism against humanity, is the reason for integrated growth by climate ships and complete strategy to balance global warming. We welcome one and all as participants of our common democracy and the network building to create units for registration of voting and for celebrations and to join in building a world of global integrity by realizing the above, in the common interests of people, and therefor better than economic or other isolated interests in society seeking to find ways to make people dependent often instead of free competition to adjust to the interests of society, which is the key to success of mass production or production by skills and knowhow by optimum economy, to do least to accomplish most of real and good values For instance food is damage so it is a humanitarian effort even to provide a free meal of good traditional healthy vegan food as well to the riches societies as well. Profit by stock companies policy is to double the investment as profit perhaps by first 2 years, then keeping the stocks by moderate interest for stockholders for instance. What a generous offer, the offer of our cooperation to raise above the shame of world poverty, terrorism of climate change and activities of no real good values. World is a meeting place of god and bad and we do not want to interfere with politics, economy or societies, just add something new, the infrastructure in the best interests of one and all. 1008 companies of integrated growth by each climate ship do compete within the rules of world economy too, producing water, food, energy and integrated growth products of Universitas Library and by democracy we hope all governments are inspired to give freedom of taxes, by many of these products in order to fulfil the strategy of our common world and climate defence.
Universitas Enterprise is an opportunity for one and all to join in promoting the fulfilment of world society, enjoy independence and freedom and to be a citizen of the world fulfilling ones own universal duties not ton damage for others too. It is a great joy to welcome you to join in perhaps by the network building, celebrations, building stock companies, climateships with 108 ministries and many humanitarian and climatefriendly organisation and besides inviting one and all, peace and climate organisations may unite by a common strategy to acctually solve world problems, universities and schools to promote the unity of knowledge and its integration in society for the fulfilment of world society etc.
We welcome all organisations, businesses, governments, schools etc. to join in cooperation to realize the best interests of one and all and also Maharishi Mahesh Yogi”s organisation and universities and organisation related to his succsess.
To an organisation by the movement of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi we suggest unconditiona surrender, while their not intelligent use of Maharishi and my foundations value are not good, as trying to establish “our kingdom” with them as kings during our theme year of royal unification of the world, mission is king. To was sent a mail about the perfection of the yantra as it seems someone in airfield, their center in Iowa, have copied the relationship to the ring by an old yantra not so perfect and while the perfection found is the circle and square or mandala, ofcourse all by internet references, so we requested Bjarne, who represents
copying aspects of our organisation by our year of royal unification of world society, by a different approach, they are the rulers of the world, while our approach is just realisatingthe world peace constitution or the infrastructure of global integrity, no rulers so to say. Raja Bjarne is known as king of Denmark. My message was:“The perfection added by Anandam is the perfect correlation by the inner intelligence of the 9 triangles, lacking in ancient version known and by modern seeking of perfection, and by the perfection of the relationship between the circles, square and triangles. The mathematical perfection is a true achievement by Anandam and first in the beginning of 1980ies, published 86, was the nine small circles as the dome of peace architecture. Later we added the mandala square and as a logo used in 3D image about Nineties probably and then he saw the potential of the yantra often with rings and mandala, but far from the perfection found. It is good, respect is kept, no one have copied the Universitas yantra logo, but many have sought to get it, it seems, but it is already given to all as intellectual property by the flag of global integrity and World Constitution and disposed by foundations where Anandam is President The closest to illegal copying is adding the ring found, and we requested the holder of ithe page like this:
optimal yantra is presented you as by at includes perfection of circle and square. It seems like you do not tell visitors and at the same time copy my circle by and almost look alike yantra at and message we plan to publish or what to do? Sent homepage May 2018 We forgot years back the gay with this page we communicated with apparently sold his page after seeing our perfection to someone within the mafia organisation cancer on Maharishi Mahesh  Y ogi. They have for years copied aspects of our main strategy for global integrity without seeing that the different projects is not much worth without the infrastructure of global integrity, all created to see the beginning of the fulfilment of New Fundamental Global Order in different aspects of the huge Universitas Enterprise. The homepage may print this without changes, all of it including our yantra and we offer cooperation for fulfilling their page and even business opportunities. logo attached. The mail. Unconditional surrender is adviced as I most probably is best representing the interests of Maharishi and the best interests of the people of the world by my enterprise, independent of me as a citizen of Norway, as teacher and in other situation not speaking on behalf of foundation and the combination of the 2 interests, ”They have copied so many aspects of or enterprise and where just being inspired, it is a compliment, but owing to the many things copied, it most probably is illegalWe have developed meditation techniques by the yantra inspired by Maharishis comments to Bhagavad Gita, advanced techniques for his movement too and consider it a duty to relate to Raja Bjarne and their development outside but by Maharishis movement as a cancer on Auyr Veda, their movement by Maharishi as well as by trying to copying our approaches and momentum pf progress. Auyr veda is Veda, the knowledge not to be given to earn profit, while their selling of products is big business, then you can not trust them to give you what you need and statistic of Norway indicate direct relationship between wcobomy and health, perhaps a need pyramid of a persons health is such that excellent products for India, in extreme small quatities to extreme large prices is such only a billionair may integrate them in his food economy.

Shiva linga as by Indiana Jones is as yantra and swastika holy symbols in India
and the linga temple of Angkor vat was a inspiration, one of the ancient buildings on
a line around the world with advanced coordination most probably not by chance,
according to a you tube introduction found. I am not an expert in the many fields of
specialization, just good on combinations.

Email adress to be used, account as well:

Above is my development Universitas Yantra so to say as a blueprint for vastu and
or pyramidarchitecture as well as the physical body of man by the 9 substances of
the universe including the 5 elements of Auyr Veda. On you tube an expert on vastu
told that the oldest sources is 12000-16000 year old about, perhaps like pyramds in Bosnia
and some ancient text partly forgotten was by a squaere 9x9 and a mandala, but
by our drawing a verification of the proportions may be mandal squaere or cubus
is 8 times the unit and a frien of the meditation society in Trondheim said the unit is 12
that is 96 and the holy numer and extention is 9 times 12, 108 as diameter of the circle.
I left a note wanting to here more about it by this my homepage and is high time to develop
our pyramid vastu university as a floating ship, city and nation to cruise around the world...

Billion dollar profit potential, but we do not work for money, but for the massproduction of the material we needs for climateship and updraft towers. Establishing stoch companies by optimal economy includes allowing they who shares the challenges or invests in stocks or bonds enjoy the building of wealth by huge profit potential agreeds following their partisipation as well as enjoying running buisnes in world marked outside our companies needs by 1008 stock company by every climateship. Do do a goog business 3 things are needed, a platform, an idea, a patent an opportunity tp earn money, tgat we have. Then there are needed persons with qualities to create growth, and we are fortunate,we more need fund raisers, we have gold to grow in and then third succsessfuk fundraising, so among those joinuing in, fund raisers are sougth and as Harvard pay their fundraisers best, we accept to agree to good income. Fund raisers taking courses to pass by the codes of honor, may be hired, otherwise fundraisers without any acceptabce may apply to work as independendt fundraisers enjoy interest, % of raised money. Perhaps you seek to estabish your own company where the fund enjoys 50% of the stocks, we sall be gratefuk to receive your application and for reigth person wealth building may be easy and enjoyable both for us and hinself.

Introducing many opportunities for generous income for me and for those charing the challenges of time, includes a competetion with a good prize of profit potential for those presenting vissions of how to grow in wealth, realizing an aspect of integrated growth of global integrity. Present an aspiration and how you want to proceed with technologiacal busineeses or those of building a climate ship, with our origionally developed opportunities we share with you, and be ready to negotiate your profit potential, and you may be a winner.

flower of life, swastika, yantra, mandala, pyramidarchitecture rules, holy numbers 108 and 1008 and other ancient values was integrated by the above drawing, and for those target oriented, the lotus of lakshmi...

Medtation by the above immage is free and may enjoyed but the drawing  not to be copied or reprinted to represent any cooperation or value between people, including not as a picture on the wall, as iy is everyones property by World Constitution of Global Integrity as the flag of the union of the world, everyone for personal study and meditation may copy it and a portable PC is good for meditation. Sit uprigth perhaps facing east, with the PC on the table with the screen about 46 degrees and placed so our universitas yantra is seen just above the tip of the nose, then look into the centre of the drawing and at the same time by the side view of the third eye area or front of head be aware see the whole at the same time as looking directly in the centre. This is a good eye excersize and may be an origional purification techniques in the line of pancha karma, the forhotten 5th techniques and emlivens the value by pure intelligence and crativity to be aware of the whole when focusing attention and there exist levels of this meditation for higher states of consciousness and even beginner breathing techniques.

Universitas Yantra, our logo, is made from ancient yantra, the 9
triangles, the circle and the square by ancient mandala. Anandam have
combined them by mathematical perfection as the 1000 year old
yantra in India is far from perfect, perhaps a bad memory after 50 000 years and perhaps even the David star from year 1008, may be a bad memory too, as it have values without perfection. Universitas from Latin means “turned into one whole” and from Sanskrit, yantra means ”means of liberation” and many historic memories as the all-seeing eye and flower of life, perhaps originally was related to our advanced logo, difficult to conserve without a pc for drawing. The ancient world wide pyramid society, one world wide kingdom and pyramids by same building rules as facing east is found all over the world. Perhaps the ancient vedic society more than 5000 years old, is the same as the knowledge integrated in society protected peoples health better, perhaps related to astrology positive effects on periods of human history, too. The dome is about stones protecting against radiation, known as perhaps main reason for dying 5000 years ago, as well as protection against the elements and war, storage of food and water, even food production mat be part of
the concept and I man to have read that the ancient society had enormous buildings and building tall buildings is made pssible by the optimum economy and structure of the yantra as architecture, and perhaps building extensions far under ground was the idea, too. The 9 circles of the dome gives one ball room in centre, complete ball and the other half balls, 8 around supports the construction, perhaps with walls of the half balls going into each other. The square structure may give openings below, too, even though around massive stone gave good protection and support for the tall building. The diameter 108m, was one of the key elements when we was looking for the perfection and together with 1008 is known as “holy” numbers. The body have 108 acupuncture or marmapoints for instance

Universitas Enterprise of World Peace Constitution of the infrastructure of global integrity was founded by Rajan Anandam in 1980 then by name Stein Roar Andersen with seven themes of Universitas Week. The philosophy of the unity of science and all knowledge is theme one, where the next 4 themes is the 4 institutes of comparative research study as Universitas Library of all knowledge, where first referring institute is theme 2, theme 3 the human institute relating knowledge concerning people and society, all possible but also as how developments influences health of society as by climate change, theme4 and 5 is the analysing and synthesising institutes of comparative research study and integrated growth of health for society, as a much better concept than science and technology, sustainable development, optimum economy etc. 6th theme is the capital city of the world as a cultural meeting point for the fulfilment of world civilisation, centre for the global reference centre of knowledge far better and with a new internet not possible to abuse, with new computers not possible to reach by hacking and so forth. Integrity-net is the concept of a new internet and Global Times of Integrity one of the means of sharing knowledge where everyone is welcome to be an editor, presenting something as news or pieces of knowledge. The capital city of the world a meeting point for the best interest of one and all within what is universally acceptable. 7th theme is celebration of fulfilment, where celebrations of good standards without social control of drugs, alcohol, music with bad lyrics, as many wants to exploit a common meeting point to promote their own interest in an unnatural or not decent way. Celebrations so far have been annual inauguration of new year on March Equinox or the Day of the Independence of the Citizen. The protection of these values not to be exploited for unfair competition or to represent also isolated interests is by World Constitution of non political global democracy, defining the universal, common goals of the best interest of mankind, of one and all. The 4 goals of focus of integrated growth is new fundamental economical world order, a minimum free of housing food and clothes, where producing and distributing one free vegan meal a day to all is a practical theme as Global Bank also with the opportunity of paying a minimum income free to all, just start to pay as soon as the world democracy accept the non political minimum to all, as we just want to add the infrastructure of global integrity, New Fundamental Global Order, not interfere with politics, governments, religion, etc. Happy news, it is just starting pay when everyone agrees to accepting free money to fulfil world economy also by integrated growth of pure effective competition, too. Then New fundamental Information, Communication Research ad Education order is aspect to of the infrastructure, where Universitas Library is the theme, then it is the principles of non political democracy and universal celebrations, complete the 4  aspects of the infrastructure of world peace. These 4 by the seven themes and nothing else to disturb the common
interests and universal cooperation hopefully of all or most people in the world. Integrated Growth businesses was allowed by constitution decades ago and is extended as projects to build 108 000 new nations, perhaps several in union, by as many floating cities and climate ships and all governments are welcome to share ome land for these new nations as well, most probably as new kingdoms by a constitution close to the Norwegian, but without parliamentarism or parties as today. World economy needs fulfilment not only because by-products as poverty is extreme shame and giving depth using money, but also because world society by economy is damaging the world by the ecosystems which is common property not allowed for such exploitation as the loss of integrity world society depends on is a price totally unacceptable. 108 000 huge climate ships with updraft towers, together with other approaches is what it takes to cool the huge ocean covering 71% of earth and regulating temperature, and thereby also remove danger of other greenhouse gasses than CO2pollution, rise of sea level, extreme weather and collapse of ecosystems and thereby world society as we know it. Not being able to realize the infrastructure without participating in world destruction possible terrorism against humanity, is the reason for integrated growth by climate ships and complete strategy to balance global warming. We welcome one and all as participants of our common democracy and the network building to create units for registration of voting and for celebrations and to join in building a world of global integrity by realizing the above, in the common interests of people, and therefor better than economic or other isolated interests in society seeking to find ways to make people dependent often instead of free competition to adjust to the interests of society, which is the key to success of mass production or production by skills and knowhow by optimum economy, to do least to accomplish most of real and good values For instance food is damage so it is a humanitarian effort even to provide a free meal of good traditional healthy vegan food as well to the riches societies as well. Profit by stock companies policy is to double the investment as profit perhaps by first 2 years, then keeping the stocks by moderate interest for stockholders for instance. What a generous offer, the offer of our cooperation to raise above the shame of world poverty, terrorism of climate change and activities of no real good values. World is a meeting place of god and bad and we do not want to interfere with politics, economy or societies, just add something new, the infrastructure in the best interests of one and all. 1008 companies of integrated growth by each climate ship do compete within the rules of world economy too, producing water, food, energy and integrated growth products of Universitas Library and by democracy we hope all governments are inspired to give freedom of taxes, by many of these products in order to fulfil the strategy of our common world and climate defence.
Universitas Enterprise is an opportunity for one and all to join in promoting the fulfilment of world society, enjoy independence and freedom and to be a citizen of the world fulfilling ones own universal duties not ton damage for others too. It is a great joy to welcome you to join in perhaps by the network building, celebrations, building stock companies, climateships with 108 ministries and many humanitarian and climatefriendly organisation and besides inviting one and all, peace and climate organisations may unite by a common strategy to acctually solve world problems, universities and schools to promote the unity of knowledge and its integration in society for the fulfilment of world society etc.
We welcome all organisations, businesses, governments, schools etc. to join in cooperation to realize the best interests of one and all and also Maharishi Mahesh Yogi”s organisation and universities and organisation related to his succsess.
To an organisation by the movement of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi we suggest unconditiona surrender, while their not intelligent use of Maharishi and my foundations value are not good, as trying to establish “our kingdom” with them as kings during our theme year of royal unification of the world, mission is king. To was sent a mail about the perfection of the yantra as it seems someone in airfield, their center in Iowa, have copied the relationship to the ring by an old yantra not so perfect and while the perfection found is the circle and square or mandala, ofcourse all by internet references, so we requested Bjarne, who represents
copying aspects of our organisation by our year of royal unification of world society, by a different approach, they are the rulers of the world, while our approach is just realisatingthe world peace constitution or the infrastructure of global integrity, no rulers so to say. Raja Bjarne is known as king of Denmark. My message was:“The perfection added by Anandam is the perfect correlation by the inner intelligence of the 9 triangles, lacking in ancient version known and by modern seeking of perfection, and by the perfection of the relationship between the circles, square and triangles. The mathematical perfection is a true achievement by Anandam and first in the beginning of 1980ies, published 86, was the nine small circles as the dome of peace architecture. Later we added the mandala square and as a logo used in 3D image about Nineties probably and then he saw the potential of the yantra often with rings and mandala, but far from the perfection found. It is good, respect is kept, no one have copied the Universitas yantra logo, but many have sought to get it, it seems, but it is already given to all as intellectual property by the flag of global integrity and World Constitution and disposed by foundations where Anandam is President The closest to illegal copying is adding the ring found, and we requested the holder of ithe page like this:
optimal yantra is presented you as by at includes perfection of circle and square. It seems like you do not tell visitors and at the same time copy my circle by and almost look alike yantra at and message we plan to publish or what to do? Sent homepage May 2018 We forgot years back the gay with this page we communicated with apparently sold his page after seeing our perfection to someone within the mafia organisation cancer on Maharishi Mahesh  Y ogi. They have for years copied aspects of our main strategy for global integrity without seeing that the different projects is not much worth without the infrastructure of global integrity, all created to see the beginning of the fulfilment of New Fundamental Global Order in different aspects of the huge Universitas Enterprise. The homepage may print this without changes, all of it including our yantra and we offer cooperation for fulfilling their page and even business opportunities. logo attached. The mail. Unconditional surrender is adviced as I most probably is best representing the interests of Maharishi and the best interests of the people of the world by my enterprise, independent of me as a citizen of Norway, as teacher and in other situation not speaking on behalf of foundation and the combination of the 2 interests, ”They have copied so many aspects of or enterprise and where just being inspired, it is a compliment, but owing to the many things copied, it most probably is illegalWe have developed meditation techniques by the yantra inspired by Maharishis comments to Bhagavad Gita, advanced techniques for his movement too and consider it a duty to relate to Raja Bjarne and their development outside but by Maharishis movement as a cancer on Auyr Veda, their movement by Maharishi as well as by trying to copying our approaches and momentum, and their lack of success and growth….

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