Members of the high society in Norway may get tickets of celebrations and subscription fees paid by the government of Norway, but then we ned a coordinating unit to arrange celebrations and the application to the state, decades ago Hodos was founded by 4 registered members.
21 December 2018 Rajan Anandam, winter solstice Trondheim Norway,
I captured the spirit of Christmas for vegetarian /vegan festival, the quaterly celebration to be extended to a christmas week and queterly weekly celebation. The day is allready established as the non-violence /ahimsa day, as the oldest known word associated with Gandhi and India, Mahabaratha and Indian and Chines philosophy is from Sanscrit ahimsa. This for wintersolstice northern hemisphere as a non religious celebration may as a carnieval festival enjoy Santa Clause as a giver of food by codes of honor for good spirit of caring food, as food is the most important of the day, with festivals around it to enjoy the fun and good atmosphere supporting good diguestin too.Rules for what to do and not to do in the good company is important, too as not entertaining the violance of meet eating and a sound of music spirit at the table, not any bad noises or habits. Perhaps some of the good atmoshere on the northern hemisphere comes from less and less non vegetarian food as the days are darker and darker, before the sun ligth is increasing again, and the desire for more and more food as well, as deguestion is best in the noon, not midnigth. The pyramid effect of the traditional celebration, may not be Jesus, but we do not interfere with anyones personal religion, but the meditation atmosphere of deep caves within the pyramids as yogies in caves of the Himalay. the ancient understanding of Mahabaratha says the the one , the sun, supporting all life, is also the reason for dying, to much radiation probably one aspect here, and caves keeping radiation out gives the pyramid effect protection against dying, just as the forth of a pyramid from a military perspective. So owing to dark days, it is easier to live, the good spirit is not only to deserve bettar than darker and darker unto no sun ligth, no heavan, or more and more depth to be paid in hell, as the expert saying is in Mahabaratha with comments as from alone home 2, a bad deed can be removed by doing a good one or the depth of not have been always a vegetarian, may be paid by inspiring others to become vegetarians. Sp St. Clause as toastmaster by desert also serving gifts... but he is never there, seen, and so it is with good staff. Perhaps a new tradition where most people serve as a st.clause for some other, organised as festival teams is good. Spring eqinox Norway is next quaterly celebration as is Independence Day, persons independence by the infrastructure of world peace and global integrity, as with Global Banks currency to give everyone a free minimum income and most people in the world cooperating to produce, transport and share one free vegan meel a day and make income for the free money, by selling extra by best production and nonviolence transport in the world and perhaps by agreement with all countries for the production and transport of pure energy and water for farming in a way balancing the terror of clmate change, making first the world ocean cooler and then by extra food and bamboo production perhaps, as well give countries and people free energy and water, but topping with sale to cover the costs also of expansions to serve the world and acctually remove the problem of global warming, if not too late. Not creating billions to isolated interests, but to grow by the solution, not adding to the problems of the world and to give one and all a minimum free income. For the Christmas Spirit, not to say Jesus is not important, we cooperate with Hodos, the church in Norway where governments pay for every member, as for a celebration climate ship for weddings and seasonal celebrations around the year,
by "the way", Hodos in greek. and by Jesus word "I am the way, life and truth" by the meaning of the world, you are and we are as well and taking responsibility is key to solving global warming, not leaving it to those upholding the organisations which damaged the world, without interfering in the roles of government, but to point out the imortance of persns taking responsibility for their lifes, that we all do, by our common world and climate defence. Tithing to the quaterly celebrations is akso possible, or giving donations by Rajan Anandam and the defence, and in Norway membership in the Chritmas and Marriage Church Hodos where both those who just see the good philosophy for not leaving kingship of ones own life to others as for those beliving that "I" may be the innermost of all or alternativ understandings of their personal religion, where there are man, for instance by philosophy of India, China, Japan etc. We shall be gratefu to hear from accordingly and theme of summer solstice, is World Constitution of Global Integrity, the constitution of the independence day of the individual and our non political world democracy for controll with the infrastructure of world peace. Celebration all our the world on September Eqinox is dedicated to the Global Times of Integrity or Times of Global Integrity. We hope everyone joins in as editor and subscriber of the quaterly Magazine by our Annual Times of Global Integrity. Newsletter by email costs NOK 108 for 4 newsletters around the year or if that is too expensive for you to be fun, you can join in a coordinating unit for the Times and the festivals and for you free or partly free tickets and newsletters.
Rajan Anandam, - Anand
Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town, may be by the sun is registered comming more and more and food is comming from the sun producing rain and sunshine to plants and the new born.
Cannon in D, White Christmas and many popular songs and music may be integrated in the new tradition, but purification is needed as lyrics is often not according to best traditions and codes of honour of high society.
The suggestion of eating less in dark period is related to digestion, as best at noon, not midnight and when eating more than natural digistion , it accumulate as fat perhaps as higher level of transformation of food into you is stopping up as sun gives D vitamins. We depend upon sun as giver of food, creating rain and sunshine for growth, but also D vtamins for digistion for those eating more due to less heat, better atmosphere among people and the stress of darker and darker...
Golden Times magazine and with the global infrastructure of communication by criteria of rigth knowledge when integrating pieces of information in the library of the unity of science with knowledge pyramid building, changed name from Global Times to Golden Times and by cooperation with Global Bank President Rajananand Dhananjaya enjoys its own Global Gold Currency.
It is a great joy to present the project to build a new country to uphold and protect the currency allowing trade with information by the Library of the Unity of Science and its Climate Library of Integrated Growth by the Science of Wholeness Enterprise founded in 1980 by Stein Roar Andersen, now registered in Norway as citizen Rajananand Dhananjaya since 2004.
There is a minimum free income of the gold currency money for one and all enjoying an e-mail subscription of Global Times as editor and everyone as editor contributing to the library enjoys a Membership of our Royal Library Society, organisations as universities and libraries have membership opportunities, too. We hope to raise funding for a new internet, Integritynet, but by internet and digital communication as dvd books, one may order information paying by our digital currency and gold coin cash and the hope is that everyone knows their majestetic nature and royal duties, so statistic of poverty telling 50 000 children is dying every day, may be gone by the currency also giving a minimum food, clothing and housing, to one and all by minimum income of the gold and green currency. The gold currency bank references gives a number as reference to owner, currency, amount and transport by change of ownership, reference centre organises , still the currency is by a small card with the logo and gold, pure gold, by the inner circle of the global integrity logo. The e-mail subscription giving such a gold coin reference for editors costs by different orderings of the holder, including the coin itself, by pure gold. But the subscription is free, with some free information, not costing anything, but when ordering gold coin proof, books, magazines, introductions by different newsletters and so on, it costs money, covering the expenses, e-mail subscription fee gives gold currency money by Global Bank account.
Most wealth today is a burden and perhaps more a depth than real wealth owing to the Holocaust behind statistic of poverty and the climate change terrorism of risking the entire future of mankind by ignoring that which must be done in order to play safe, not risking the future of the children perhaps even own future as the world may collapse in a few weeks, no one can proof otherwise, as it is not unthinkable by known climate change facts! So your world economy poverty and CO2 depyh is huge and we do not sell you feedom from your depth, just offering the cooperation needed in order to start paying your depth by balancing global order and Holocaust terror by sharing expenditure and joining our common world defence.. Stop violating our world, pay your depth by sharing the expenditure of our common world defence and cooperating with our defence. Open your Global Bank Gold Currency account by 10% of your registered wealth or as much as is easy for you to put in the bank, as a saving by climate fund investments
and investment accounts and for baying information or as editor contributing to the reference centre as your own buisness selling your personal newsletter perhaps or for free.All stock companies should also have a business by their Golden Times as the floating city and nation should have 1008 companies. The new natoon is by a climate ship and floating city. All stock companies should also have a business by their Golen Times as the floating city and nation should have 1008 companies. Voluntary free work we welcome and working 2 hours a day as investment in new stock companies in order to build the world of global integrity we need, one and all, is oppotunities prepared.
These are pages from the book also with back page of paperback edition, from the book of 1986, the year quaterly celebration was initiated with the arrangements in Trondheim and Oslo and the book was well received around the world with nice letters from Prince of Wales and science academy of Moscow if I remember correctly, and Presidets as Reagan, of Switzweland, Maldives and Puorto Rico, President Mitterand, President of the Norwegian Parliement and so fort with appreciation from UN as the cover referes to by our Royal Principle of World Peace as we now welcomes UN to join in building a celebration climate ship, a floating city and new nation with their president as king perhaps. Presentation by 3 names of mine by Norwegian registration and the publications of our enterprise, Universitas Enterprise by our flag of Global Integrity, flower of life Lotus or christmas star perhaps:
the christmas three star perhaps is related to the Lotus of Laksmi or the target orientation of here Sanscrit name as godess of prosperity and wealth. Lotus and Tulsi as tea I have heard about before but it is also a third of a story from India regarding Christmas spirit as Santa Claus says god or bad according to to the song, comming to town, and represents the sun by color red and the suns value related to food, life but also bad, death, he is associated with a friend of raindeers or deers:
We quote from: www.dollsofindia.com/library/tulsi-bilva/
christmas spirit, santa claus, christmas three and vegetarian non volence;
an interesting tale about the Bilva tree. As the story goes, there was a cruel hunter by the name of Gurudruh. He lived with his family, deep inside the dense forest. On the auspicious day of Maha Shivaratri, he had to go hunting, as his family had nothing to eat. Maha Shivaratri is one of the most sacred days for Hindus. It is a time for prayer, fasting and offerings. Shiva being a kshipraprasadi (easily pleased), even the smallest and most involuntary acts of devotion are capable of begetting his abundant grace.
Gurudruh had set out for the hunt early in the morning. However, he had not found anything even by sunset. So, he walked up to the vicinity of a lake and climbed a tree and waited for some unsuspecting animal to come for a drink of water. He was unaware that the tree he climbed on was the Bilva tree and that there was the sacred Shivalinga beneath it, plus a pot of water hanging in the branch just above it.
After a longish wait, Gurudruh spied a deer walking up to the lake to quench her thirst. He immediately prepared to shoot an arrow at her. As he drew his bow, he accidentally knocked the pot of water hanging in the branch. Some of the water fell on the Shivalinga beneath, along with a few Bilva leaves.
Thus, Gurudruh had performed a pooja to Shiva, in the first quarter of the holy night, without even knowing he had done so. As a result, his heart was automatically purified a little. In the meantime, the deer got startled by the movement in the tree, looked up and saw the hunter. She pleaded to the hunter not to kill her and to let her go to her home and take care of her children first. She promised him that she would return after feeding her family. He could then kill her and take her to his family. the hunter, who had softened by now, felt bad for her plight and let her go, provided that she would return to him in the morning to give up her body as food for his family.
Around the second quarter of the night, the deer's sister came looking for her. Once again, Gurudruh took aim at her. Once again, he unwittingly disturbed the water pot and a bit of water and Bilva leaves fell on the Shivalinga. His heart was further purified and this time too, he allowed the animal to go back to her home, provided that she would return in the morning.
The third quarter of the night approached and the deer's mate came in search of her. The same set of events occurred for the third time in a row and the hunter let the deer's mate too leave under the same conditions.
Meanwhile, the three deer met together and they discussed who should go sacrifice their life for the hunter and his family. Even their children offered to give up their lives. After a long discussion, the whole family decided to surrender to the hunter's wishes, as none of them could imagine living without the others. So, they all went up to the lake to look for the hunter.
When they arrived at the spot, Gurudruh was very pleased to see them and immediately prepared to kill them. He took aim and, for the fourth time, and in the same accidental manner, performed his worship to the Shivalinga beneath. This final act brought about a sea-change in his entire character. His heart overflowed with pity, love and compassion for the gentle, selfless animals. Tears rolled down his eyes as he thought of how cruel and selfish he was; only thinking about his family's comforts. He got down from the tree and apologized to the animals, requesting them to go back home in peace. Thus, the cruel Gurudruh was completely transformed and he was released from his past bad karma, by the grace of Lord Shiva and the Bilva tree.
Why Bilva is So Dear to Shiva
The famous Bilvashtakam extols the many virtues of the Bael tree and talks about Shiva's love for it. There are many reasons why Shiva is believed to be closely associated with this tree.
from wikipedia about Christmas and winter solstice:
Linking Jesus to the Sun was supported by various Biblical passages. Jesus was considered to be the "Sun of righteousness" prophesied by Malachi: "Unto you shall the sun of righteousness arise, and healing is in his wings."[70] John describes Jesus as "the light of the world."[71]
Exact date for Jesu birth is not known they say...
the "christmas tree" of the tale was related to shiva lingam, where our logo also is found so related and
the gift of Jesus, as understood by many according to wikipedia presented tradition too:
According to a few God realized Yogis, Maha Shivaratri was the day when Shiva drank poisonous negativity to protect the world. The Maha Shivaratri is mentioned in several Puranas, particularly the Skanda Purana, Linga Purana and Padma Purana. These medieval era Shaiva texts present different mythologies associated with this festival, but all mention fasting and reverence for icons of Shiva such as the Lingam.[6]
Our approach is non religious, but is is interesting and fun to see that tradition is well established and the good impulses of chritmas spirit, a family celebration by close family, nation and global environment and world society.
Christmass is a non religious celebration as established though with respect for those enjying religious belives and values and our seasonal winter solstice celebration can nt ignore christmass as we celebrated the first 4 quaterly celevration by together for peace movement with UN International Year of Peace 1986, see cover of our book of peace from 1986 above with the flower of life by our logo and flag of global integrity.