buisiness opportunity

Vi tilbyr universiter og andre kurs i den nye betong veggen og bedrifter og personer overalt
mulighet til å etablere et lokalt AS som TT AS nederst.
We offer universities courses in the new concrete wall or pillars and persons and buisinesses everywhere
the opportunity to join in establishing climate fund companies locally everywhere by the new concrete wall or pillars. Eample of company fpoundation is only in Nowegian here, bottom this page.

Likewise energy production and transport by hydrogen or steam in air, sea and on land by the green transformation of the world, we hace the very best opportunities developed by our Skandinavian Climate Fund of Integrated Growth.

The green world transformation is possible by this brick, above, a revolution of the building industry allowing 3 km tall towers for energy production and ligth and strong planes for transport by hydrogen. Climate fund gives free competetion and stands for the codes of honor, integrated growth and the global standars of production, sizes etc for mass production, locally everywhere, the best opportunity for starting a buisiness too, we hope the world competes for us localizing part of it to their community and land. Our common world and climate defence is a must, it is most urgent and important in the best interest of one and all, the greatest good, it represents critisim of the world today, but is non political and it is in everyones interest to cooperate with us, the analyze of this buisness opportunity of eworld transformation of the revolution of science or technology is presented her by my personal reflections, not by the fund where I am President.
Jaws by Stephen Spielberg relates both to the mouth or teeths of a shark as well as those of the city or mayor, not warning people, resulting in eating of people, owing to the summer islands tourist season income, not to be disturbed. Our Operation to Save Denmark or the little tourist island of Frøya in Norway, ignoring the Operation to Save the Island only 72m tall, possible under water in short time. They are selling holday houses, same interest as in the film, and Operation Recue the Golf Stream have several examples of what the operation means, rescuing people and the world. Unfortunatedly the terror or problem of global warming have 2 sides, first of course the damage of the infrastructures of climate balances, as the heating of the ocean, more and more damage every day, as much as before the many UN meetings and the most difficult part, Jaws by the willingness to seek popularity, scientific recogniition and funding, votes for parties, seek buisiness opportunities, keeping the world random expecting young or attractive persons to prostitute themeselves in order for them to use their power to do something etc. Climate Jaws are on all levels of governments and universities, responsible for the collapse of the world. But admitting that this is so, that the problem needing immidiate action from most people, is silenced, as in Jaws, the movie, their summer season would not be luchy if their responsibility for having damaged and continued as befor new damage every day, was known and they keep silence about real solution by the 9 climate change need pyramids, he things to do, while 99% of efforts called climatethings, acctually does not correspond the need pyramids and often is by more damage to the terror against humanity, so they have ignored our common world and climate defence for decades. However as world development goes, our common defence by the best interests of one and all, is now holding the world for ransome, not by intenton, but it is the one and only common defence, it is most urgent, it a must for one and all to join in, as all families in the world may soon be extinct, a little here and there is not enough, systematic meeting World War 3 by the defence, flexible integrating the best everyehere of tactics or technology the realizethe brilliant strategy. First of  nine hierarchy of needs pyramids is first pyramid by the network building of our common defence, second by cooling and purifying the ocean, removing pollution from earth as CO2 and plastic is third, prifying the air or atmosphere as from climate gasses is forth, gicing space to people by  the infrastructure of world peace and global integrity by integrated growth as the safetynet for one and all is fifth pyramid, enjoying fulfilment of world civilization sixth, seventh Universitas library, correlation of time perspectives 8th and 9 directions of world development as by free vegan meal daily to all, health organisations etc. This from the point of view of needs, the organisation is by world constitution, defining the new fundamental order including non political world democracy to control the common defence which is a byproduct of Universitas Enterprise. The good thing is, it realy is in the greatest interests of best common goods for one and all and it is urgent, it is a must and organsied to support the common defence or the freedom and independence of all. We have told why we have beeb ignored, telling the importance of network building of people by high society codes of honor and decency, but the world suicede tendences is not natural, it is most important and needed, most urgent, so if healthy people leeds building global integrity, no one with respect for themselves an run away from their duty toewards themselves and their families and of course in all governments natural inerests t as collapse of world economy...
An Enemy of the People by Ibsen in relationship to tv, newspapers, magazines, universities etc. reveals the Jaws main proble of climate terrorism and the film Jaws may have been inspired by this classical study from Norway.
The idea of the mounth of those in city government allowing a shark to eat people, may well go by the production of oil in Norway also by Ibsen, or bu parties seeking new election or by climate organisations or universities, too, perhaps mostly interested in the milieu by the the nackspeil, foes in norwegian as a joke at least, though this is the main problem of climatchange, as much today as before the many annual UN meetings...

When presenting buisness opportunities of integrated growth by
the best interests of one and all, we are talking about the global
common good or global integrity, where long term profit goes back
to building the infrastructure of world peace, but within rules of
buisness, upholding jobs for those starting a company and negotiating
from one -10 times investment as profit potential within few years for those
investing money, land, materials, hours f ork etc. People building a climate fund
company where the funds enjoy 50% of the stocks, may run as their own, but
with the fund ensuring application of universal interests of the world, the global
highest or greatest common good.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnrP_0zAsZA Ibsens En Folkefiende er på you tube og kan gjerne overføres til oljeproduksjonen i dag og storkjefte klimahaier ala Jaws ved partiene, universitetene, miljøorganisasjonene, media, ja alle de syld i ikke bare at klimainfrastrukturene er ldelagt men at de hver dag ødelegges som før mer og mer. Natur og Ungdom ignorerer utfordringen ved mine mail, men det er ikke statsstøtten og medlemsavgiftene de tenkrr på når de ikke vil være med å løse problemet, nei det er miljøet, ja det på nachspielet. Man kan lære av Ibsen, som lar redaktøren drive utpressing mot vår fiendes datter og poengterer at den kompakte majoritets sannhet er problemet, som folk flest m begynne med selvkritikk i tredje verdens krig, slutte å være terrorist mot menneskeheten. Relativt kort tid etter at vi hengte opp initiativ for skolestreik aksjon i Norge, ser vi i dag at Natur og Ungdom ikke bare har ignorert den beste reaksjon for gruvdedrift i Norge der siviliulydighet er planlagt, samlende men unødig ødeleggende for som inngår, over 3000 hvistnok. Jeg lese nå at også Gaute har initiert skolestrik i Norge, og slik prøver å ta sin organisasjon til inntekt for noe som bør a sin egen organisering, på den annen side tilbyr ikke vi en slik assistanse, aksjonform får være fritt, men klimaprotest, je vi innbyr til å være med å etablere klimaskole og universitet, men protesten er viktig. Antar Gaute er betalt av oljenæringen, men det er min oppfattelse, klimafondet samspiller med alle og innbyr alle til samspill, jeg poengterer her at man må være oppmerksom på farene for slik organisering.

several layers may be by mandala cubus box by our logo and fractal material,
just meeting points in corners as suggested above, putting them together in layers are easy,
we may have been to fast by layer description as we did not have 3 printer to put it together and the extremly many things to be awere of by the enterprise...

the buisness brick is presented and system of putting them together, but the
the 6 sides may go more correlated to the cubic frame, which may be a box
of vacuum by fractal yantra material, making a concrte wall same size as usual
concrete stronger, less than 50% concrete, ligther and vacuum insulated, possible
for computer and  robot to put together. Revolution of the building industry
by world green transformation where even concrete may be shifted with
recirculated plastic...


The logo is borrowed from Scandinavian Climate Fund of Integrated Growth and
allowed used as far as integrated growth is uphold by President of the fund, ''

Rajan Anandam, who also as a person invest in the company.

In a cube with diameter 108m, the mandala cubus is 100m wide and tall by 6
extentions and the pillars are2mx2m by the new 2% cube, but the 3 rings are 2,16m
and the hexagon ring 2,4m wide, så the pillars or walls of the cubic frame if
the hexagonmaterial is one layer, wall but 4 layers walls by strength of a box, and the hexagon walls of the cubic frame,0,04 cm tick (0,054), all sides of the mandala cubus cubic frame both outside and inside the cube as well have walls by heagon pattern, related to hexagonlines inside and outside the circle and with adaptations for conections locking the cubes with rings together.

to be used by updraft towers by climateship and please, the rest of my homepage as well for more. The stock company is only lending products by agreements with the foundation.'
It is a great joy to present another stock company possible, more by sport and fun, as a curiosity when a city should grow: stahgames festivals:



Swastica is just an example inspired by ancient palace traditions from China but the best integrated is smaller related to the building and most probably origional defence technique, too.
Global Land (country)by the Royal Principle of World Peace was an early concept of Universitas Enterprice founded by Rajan Anandam 1980, then  he was registered as Stein Roar Andersen, also when we pubished a book in 1986 where the Royal Principle of World Peace was presented with the appreciation og UN in New York. By the concept of the universal law of global them also presented, the concept of global land was clearly difined with the philosophy of wholeness and by the below quoated definition of land it is obvious that those in ed of year 2000 presented a global country of world peace, even with our concept of world peace pala ces, it obvious that is was not only a compliment learning from me, the founder, but illegal copying, as many other aread by bank, agriculture, rolyal leadership etc. was copied with almost the same idea, but because thet was able to reancend, they ment the concept was their, even though the trancenence is known be the ability and being of one and all, they even say because of it, thet are the true rulers of the world, which is irational and does not make sense not even from the philosophy of India and Maharisji Majesh Ypgi who founded in 1986 World Government of the Age of Enlightenment, non political, not rulership or kingship, unifying for his educational organisations. Our Royal Princile is however as soon as possible to establish non political world demovracy by the global voice of conscience. In respect for the memory of my teacher, I have offered them assistance to get it rigth, they have billiob dollar bydget and I offered assistance for only one million dollar, ignored. Since 1986 we have done nothing making it not easy for UN to respect and stay by, but we have xritized them for presenting an illusion, that science allows the world to damage climate infrastructere every day, week and year even more than before, no such scientific verification are there and not even for saying the risk do not mean immidiate action needed as by our one and only common world defence whicj uphold Marshal law and hopes for UN and hovernment to join in, many projects ready for them as well as tithing and investing land as global land by World Constitution of world peace, universal cooperation and global integrity.
We quate from this dictionart [land] https://www.dictionary.com/browse/land
any part of the earth's surface not covered by a body of water; the part of the earth's surface occupied by continents and islands:
Land was sighted from the crow's nest.
an area of ground with reference to its nature or composition:
arable land.
an area of ground with specific boundaries:
to buy land on which to build a house.
Explore Dictionary.com
Weather Words You Need to Know
Can You Translate These Famous Phrases From Emoji?
These Are the Longest Words in English
These Are the Saddest Phrases in English
rural or farming areas, as contrasted with urban areas:
They left the land for the city.
Law .
any part of the earth's surface that can be owned as property, and everything annexed to it, whether by nature or by the human hand.
any legal interest held in land.
Economics . natural resources as a factor of production.
a part of the surface of the earth marked off by natural or political boundaries or the like; a region or country:
They came from many lands.
the people of a region or country

     Back page paperback edition and reference page of our book from 1086

Capital city of the world as a country of its own by New Fundamental Global Order
is another aspect of the orginality of our creative cintribution with a powerful momentum
of progrsess owing to its purity, or it is just a must in order to serve the best interests of all.

In 1999 we published a book we are gratefuk to quate from here, the first 4
Drawing, our universitas yantra logo was followed by:

World Capital Experience  The Dome of Peace  with its 9 circle foundation was originally planned as the main building (World Capitol) of World Capital, the capital city of the world, which we plan to build as a global university and cultural meeting point for the fulfilment of the unification of world society and expression of global, universal co-operation of the science of wholeness enterprise - World Capital Experience.  The extended area of its foundation of 9 circles perhaps 100 km x 100 km is meant to be city land and all governments are welcome to offer land. The circles put together from the globe gives a good world map too and a computer screen like the dome, we plan as perfect for the library of the unity of science and its map system together with a computer and Internet or our Global Intranet. Here we plan one can start from space and focus on any part of the world, and from one size to another with alternatives; pictures, paintings, theme maps etc. and to as small an area of the world as map references are available for.  All universities, countries, publishers etc. is welcome to contribute to the map. We also plan to build Peace Faculties of Comparative Research Study around the world with square buildings with the dome of peace as roof. Mapping the world of information is one goal of the Library of the Unity of Science.
A SCIENCE OF WHOLENESS ENTERPRISE PUBLICATION   Title : Global Times The Unification of World Society Referring Institute of Comparative Research Study  Publication number 55 Year 4 ISBN 82-90599-52-8 by Stein Roar Andersen, the founder of the Science of Wholeness enterprise.  June 1999  Universitas Year 4, by our scientific reference year of the Library of the Unity of Science related exactly to the round around the sun,
inaugurated March 1999 Norwegian time, exact time for chance of season; spring equinox. First day is celebrated as The Citizen Independence Day. In the reference centre of the year all citizens of world society is welcome to be registered with date of birth (personal year) and individual post number. 
Preface It is a great joy to introduce a beautiful opportunity for mankind by the Science of Wholeness Enterprise, given as a gift to all citizens of world society to be enjoyed by global, pure democracy. All citizens is welcome to join in global, universal cooperation to establish a foundation for peace and happiness, progress and development. It may seem like a nice adventure with a good ending as a vision of possibilities of progress and growth in a family of nations living in harmony based on the freedom and independence of the citizens of world society. It represents a scientific enterprise to systematically bridge the gap between the presence and the most obvious way of organizing a non-political foundation with justice for all, peace and harmony, progress and development, for the whole world. Press release about our  world wide web site, popularly called the Challenge of Time Internet location: http://www.stud.ntnu.no/studorg/nsd The final Internet localisation is dynamic. The real cyberspace is the revolution of Internet. Please, join in enjoying, co-ordinating and celebrating growing waves of fulfilment of the revolution of Internet and science around the world, around the year.  Join our Global Intranet Club. NSD / The Student Democracy of Norway uphold the page as part of the research initiative to establish global student democracy in order to do research into how to apply the World Constitution of the Unification of World Society, New Fundamental Global Order and Pure, non-political global democracy. One aspect of this is governing the fulfilment of Internet by democracy of the users by Global Intranet and the Library of the Unity of Science. This is uphold as the science of wholeness enterprise introduced by our site by Challenge of Time, a whole book and publications as the weekly magazine Global Times. The Science of Wholeness represents an invitation to all universities and governments to join in integrating the disciplines of science and organise New Fundamental Information Communication, Research and Education Order so this unity of science can accelerate world progress and give a foundation for peace and development by the integration of universal co-operation of the citizens of world society in freedom into the dynamic developing world society. The Order also represents New Fundamental Economical World Order by New Fundamental Human Right
and Duty to organise a minimum of housing, clothes and food free for everyone. As a suggestion of application of this we have introduced the concept of one Global Bank with a new currency, Global Coin Unit as a digital money and with balance for paying all citizens a salary annually perhaps the equal of 10.000,-$ and not creating inflation, but actually accelerating world progress. The fourth and last of the main aspect of the enterprise is classic culture celebration concept including the enterprise to build the capital city of the world as a global university and cultural meeting point for the fulfilment of world civilisation. The web site introduces the powerful momentum of progress the enterprise represents for the whole world. NSD is a Peace Faculty of Comparative Research Study by the Library of the Unity of Science . Global Times Weekly Magazine  introduces fundamental news related to the science of wholeness enterprise to establish and promote progress unifying for world society. The integration of the unification of science in world society by universal cooperation is the theme of the accelerating revolution of science. Editor in Chief, Stein Roar Andersen, founder of the Science of Wholeness enterprise and The Constitution of the Unification of World Society and New Fundamental Global Order. Global Times is also the concept of the link to the Library of the Unity of Science where everyone can by basic subscription become an editor and contribute to the reference centre and compose his own newspaper from the references of others and the library of the unity of science. This to develop and enjoy the Challenge of Time and the opportunity of The library of the Unity of Science.  The first of this weekly magazine was number 16, Year 3 , reference Year of the Library of the Unity of Science, by week 16 after Spring Equinox Norway March 1998. The first day of the new Year, The Individuals Independence Day celebrated the independence of the world as the enterprise to establish freedom and independence for all citizens in the world. The dome as here presented in blue background on a square with yellow circles (all 9) and the centre circle and dome building construction in yellow and orange symbolising the sun, with different colours around symbolising the earth’s path around the sun, the universal reference year and perhaps the 4 seasons of Norway in the first variation of the flag of the unification of world society and the Royal Principle of World Peace, that all of us living on this beautiful planet of ours must stay and grow together, enjoy progress and fulfilment together. Real news is what global times is focusing on and we are covering the most fundamental aspects of world development. In this way we are both
 Global Times - a book about the Unification of World Society
more fresh as a newspaper and timeless as a good book at the same time. Newspapers and media is focusing often on bad news as accidents, wars, catastrophes etc. at the same time as 10 000 children dies every day according to statistic of world hunger. World conscience wants to be liberated from this terrifying holocaust of to day and to see wars and bad news with real sinners, which is not themselves. Because the rich world must be aware of the fact that the by-product of the society and the economy they uphold, is as bad as that of world war 2 Germany. In fact Global Times has identified world war 3 by this byproduct which is a war against the freedom and independence of the individual. The Royal position of the founder of World Constitution is not based on ruling the world, but letting each individual rule their own life by promoting a foundation for the freedom and independence of the individual beyond the differences of politics, economy, military, religion, intellectual understanding etc. of the world. In Norway experts from the point of view of business and economy has suggested that each citizen of Norway every year «borrows» 10,000.-NOK from the developing countries as an expression of the unfair system of international economy. This reference was so seriously calculated that it was in the news in Norway at the same time. The statistic of world hunger compared to the fact that aid organizations can keep people alive for 70 days for only 100.NOK gives a terrifying comparison of the responsibility of people of the rich world. Each and one could by a more fair economy kept about 20 people alive, according to this, which is just a way to exemplify how world economy makes a new fundamental human right and duty, not to be the reason for others opportunity to live a life in freedom. We celebrate with this book one year jubilee of our weekly magazine.
Foreword The war against humanity - World War 3 The poison of food by genmanipulation is a part of the pattern of war against the independence of people and dependence on those controlling the economy. Pollution, environmental chances owing to pollution, impure food, alcohol and drugs, pornography, potential atomic catastrophes, ......... etc. is aspects of this war and the universal answer is presented as the book by our Internet location.
Organizing co-operation between farmers to produce normal food and organize distributions and building of houses and offices including other aspects of New Fundamental Economical World Order and New Fundamental Information, Communication, research and Education Order with additional income opportunities for farmers as well as better more economic
organization. We have developed a good opportunity for Norway and hope to establish World IT Center around on farm's in Norway and with cooperation’s from students which we hope to organize a practical opportunity for free a minimum of housing, clothing and food and free information according for the needs of study and research by their part-time co-operation. Globalisation and the Unification of World Society Globalisation represents not that the earth is round, but that so many important developments for the word and its family of nations is uphold by powers outside democratic control and outside natural governmental care. Examples is pollution of the oceans, metal in the sky (old satellites) and pornography on Internet. Globalisation is often uphold by big economic interests which often compete with governmental representatives and their duty to the country their responsibility is related to. Globalisation represents economy, culture, information and international agreements on the level of governmental representatives, but outside the interests of natural democratic control for the people or other normal ties. Even the United Nations which we have invited to take responsibility for the Ministry of Family of Nations, does not represent the citizens of world society, but the government of its "member" countries. This gives Human Rights most different from our New Fundamental Human Right and Duty, which is based on the independence of the individual. Our scientific enterprise to unify world society is based on the freedom and independence of the individual and therefore is transcending national relations and includes universal fundamentals, giving the world a beautiful opportunity to develop globalisation within our concept of fulfilling world society. World Constitution of the Unification of World Society, non-political world democracy and New Fundamental Global Order, is the Global Voice of Conscience. A scientific based foundation of accelerating world progress and free globalisation within natural and normal developments. 
Introduction The Peace Faculty of Comparative Research Study Scandinavia welcomes all countries to give land to build a national science of wholeness faculty. This may be land for a building or actually global independent land with its own constitution in union with the country giving land, so free information from this link to Global Times and the Library of the Unity of Science can be enjoyed inside the country. Extreme measures to protect scientific integrity, democratic interests and freedom of competition in the global and local marked place, is important. A national science of wholeness faculty fulfills the nations
tradition of scientific integrity in one of the most important new scientific responsibilities as a independent university controlled by pure democracy of all citizens in the nation who wants to. Growing waves of the fulfillment of the revolution of Internet (Global Intranet) also is meant to be by the democratic control of the users (of Internet as today) is such a way that it allows freedom in the global marked place. A freedom which is an opportunity for everyone and all countries to be optimum adjusted to the situation and all interests for development internationally as well as locally. The independence of the faculty is, as an embassy or international airport with free flow of information in and out, better for the nation, because then knowledge from all over the world easier is available. Especially if one considers developing the businesses of computers, telecommunication, printing etc. tax free situation allows investments to be safer and richer perhaps and more available. Free competition has a plus potential and doing it together the whole world, creating a foundation for progress and development represents an unknown huge momentum for accelerating world progress, of course based on the freedom and independence of the science of wholeness enterprise. World Peace Funds independent foundation in Norway has invited the government to give Oslo airport to such a national peace faculty of comparative research study and world IT center to promote growth by the revolution of the computer and accelerate the prosperity development and promote the integration of science and further integration into society according to the Science of Wholeness Enterprise and Global Intranet opportunity to fulfill the development of Information Technology/ IT. Building environmental cities around the world as global land includes establishing the science of wholeness enterprise with World IT Centre opportunity of accelerating world progress and as a catalyst for growth for those in union with the city or land. We have suggested for India and Pakistan to give Kashmir to our foundation to establish a new land with a constitution of union with both India and Pakistan and as "World Capital IT City of the revolution of science". The challenge of fulfilling the potential of Internet The biggest enterprise ever fulfilling the challenge of time we welcome everyone to join in and the businesses of information and communication as newspapers, computers, books, telecommunication, magazines, Internet, tv, libraries, movies, etc. to go together realising the Global Times of the Library of the Unity of Science as the most obvious application of modern technology. In order for all this businesses to join in Dhananjaya enterprise, the science of wholeness enterprise with the constitution
 Global Times - a book about the Unification of World Society
representing the people of the world, the interest of world society, is most fundamental. It is the mechanism of transcending the marked and competition within the interests of all by democracy, pure and non-political, which is our contribution, giving the world a beautiful opportunity. It is also timely while new technology can replace the old by year 2000, mass production of inexpensive computers in numbers of billions, is the answer. We welcome you to order a subscription and start joining in the brainstorming of realising co-operation accordingly. Global Intranet, a network that is witnesses by 3 independent networks of supercomputers, so everything going on can be registered and controlled. It is even possible to realise our global bank, a computer global coin unit, by the security of such a Global Intranet. We have also developed a computer with common minimum standards to be used together with the library of the unity of science but better technological developments we welcome businesses to go together with us to develop, based on the opportunity of a common reference centre of programs, references, etc. If we enjoy being 1,000,000,000 subscribers, perhaps we can sell this computer with Mobil telephone and more with the prize of 1 $ to everyone! It is therefor most timely and governments around the world should send subscription applications too, in order to join in establishing new fundamental economical world order. Perhaps everyone could be paid a minimum income for joining in part time, ensuring the end of world hunger, a shame! Universities we welcome to join in by the research into the values of the Constitution by Global Student Democracy initiated NSD. Students upholds the campaign and is developing the reference centre for everything about all studies and is joining in research into building environmental cities in developing countries as research into accelerating world progress. We shall be grateful to hear from you accordingly. We are living in a fortunate time with knowledge and technology giving world an opportunity to unify world society and develop a foundation for peace and happiness, progress and development. Economy, culture, information and knowledge is the world of international life and organising global and universal co-operation by the citizens of the world, we suggest is by developing a foundation of independence and freedom for each citizens within these unifying aspects of international life. Economic independence and free access to the Library of the Unity of Science for the individual, all individuals, citizens of world society is the key to establish a New Fundamental Global Order which is non-political and governed by global universal co-operation by the Constitution of the Unification of World Society and non-political world
democracy. Celebrating the unification of world society by classic culture celebration, our concept of unifying all cultural tradition in the respect of their integrity, but also purifying coming to enjoying true freedom also from social control by drugs or alcohol, leaders of co-ordination interrupting the participants of celebration, leaders promoting sexual ambitions etc. It should be easy and enjoyable, just going together and joining in coordination some (few) hours a week, just to do what there is to be done, simple, scientific, systematic, orderly, going together enjoying progress and development, achievements and fulfilment together, all of us living on this beautiful planet of ours. Transcending the limitation of isolated developments everywhere (often on the cost of the whole) by unifying the citizens by World Constitution and transcending the competition of international business the same way, is the brilliant key! World Capital IT City and centres around the world  When the President of USA go together with universities to get internet functioning faster, that’s good. But the real potential of the role of the computer in world society is not in improving technology but in intelligent world application of the potential of the technology at hand. The integration of this potential is decades behind the opportunities because the limitations of world economy and the competition of businesses protecting their present functioning at the same time. The technology of application of the potential of the computer is limited and not integrated in society and here creativity and systematic thinking can accomplish pure economy of doing least to accomplish most.  By Club Global Intranet and companies suited for correlating advertisement to become pure information as complete and also as critical as possible for any point of view, especially to achieve the most perfect marked place. We welcome all publishers, writers, newspapers, printers, magazines, television companies etc. to join in finding references for the library of the unity of science most suited for accelerating growth now as well as joining in the businesses as links to the library. This represents the challenge of IT and the world of knowledge and information, which we have found a scientific answer too. We hope to raise more than a million billion $. This is just one possible application of integration of one aspect of the science of wholeness enterprise which is perfectly adapted to the need of time. We shall be grateful to receive contributions to World Peace Campaign to end World Hunger and communication of aspirations to join in global, universal co-operation. As soon as possible we hope to be represented with one vice president of World Peace Fund and a team of co-ordinators in every city, school, university etc. around the world. Stein Roar Andersen
is the founder of the Science of Wholeness Enterprise, initiated in 1980 by Independent University Foundation. As President of the foundation and its independent administration of World Peace Fund since 1986, he has upheld the enterprise, developed it and presented it by books and publications. The Revolution of Science ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE UNITY OF SCIENCE Together for Peace, printed as book in 10 000 copies in 1986. The books was well received around the world with kind letters in responds from United Nations, the President of USA (Reagan), France (Mitterand), Switzerland, Costa Rica (the Noble price winner), Maldives, and Prince of Wales, government of Norway, etc. The beautiful visions of transforming world society is easy to understand and see looks nice. However, the ability to see how the integration of the enterprise in society actually works, needs much understanding and years of study. It has therefore been difficult to grow as an organisation, while our foundation is a research and development university, without student and without any other resources than our small, still independent ones, together with the powerful momentum of progress the enterprise represents. Many people seems to react to the enterprise not knowing what to think and being a strategy to meet the challenges of world war 3, it is more complicated than a chess strategy, of course. However, its simple founding ideas, which is universal acceptable, everyone can comprehend. Please, we do not attach people when saying they are the reason for world war 3, we just do our duty pointing out a fact. If attaching something here, please attach the reason, yourself, as the old saying is, world peace start with oneself, as we have defined New Fundamental Human Right and Duty. We welcome you to join in an enterprise by Stein Roar Andersen’s invitation to join in a Norwegian stock company. In Norway the basic subscription of Global Times as a connection to the reference centre of the Library of the Unity of Science, cost 10,000. -NOK (a little more in Scandinavia with more offers too). For that prize a stock in Dhananjaya AS / Ltd. is possible to get for free or as a result of special initiation offer. The company plans to promote Global Bank realisation by establishing companies around the world with some 1,000,000,000,000 USD to run business for 12 years or so unto well established, the global digital coin unit. Dhananjaya Ltd. in Norway plans to raise 50 million NOK by shares of 5000, -NOK where 5000 stockholders have 1 share and World Peace Fund have 5000. The company is offering shareholders an opportunity of up to 30% annual interest by success, the first 10 years or so and income opportunity for the company in several ways including raising money establishing other companies with interests, lectures, publications, selling
 Global Times - a book about the Unification of World Society
subscriptions and books, Global Times weekly magazines etc., congresses and other activities related to developing a business foundation internationally for initiating a new, global digital money soon. This foundation is meant to be profitable for those joining in, but still Global Bank is planned as independent, it is the world of banks upholding much of the control functioning, as we plan it, not if they do not want to, which is co-operating with these new companies. All companies is based on World Peace Funds 50% of the shares in order to ensure science of wholeness and pure, non-political democracy integrity by controlling that isolated developments is not in conflict with the development of the whole. By upholding such a position in the interests of the whole world and with freedom for everyone to join in for free, the potential of the different businesses is transcended from being limited to becoming unlimited, if normal creative adaptability to the chances of world progress is met as the challenge of time. The profit potential is thereby much larger for each participant, by introducing pure economy according to the potential of the marked. We shall be grateful to receive contributions to World Peace Campaign to end World Hunger and communication of aspirations to join in global, universal co-operation. As soon as possible we hope to be represented with one vice president of World Peace Fund and a team of co-ordinators in every city, school, university etc. around the world. All countries is welcome to offer land for a environmental city with different themes including one correlating the IT developments according to the interests of the people of the world. Years of the  Science of Wholeness Enterprise Universitas Year we enjoyed both in 80 and 81 (theoretical and practical aspects) The Universal Year for the Philosophy of Science (1982)  The University Year for the Unity of Science (1983)  The University Year for the Role of Science in Creating an Ideal World Society (1984)  The University Year for the Universal and Unifying Principles of Science (1985)  The University Year for the Global and Coherent Integration of Science (1986)  The Year for the Scientific and Cultural Enterprise to build the Capital City of the World as a Global University and Cultural Meetingpoint for the Fulfilment of World Civilisation (1987)  Year of Celebration and Fulfilment (of the theoretical aspect)(1988)  Universitas Year for the Philosophy of the Unity of Science (1989 )  Universitas Year for the Encyclopedia of the Unity of Science (1990)  Universitas Year for the Library of the Unity of Science (1991) 
Universitas Year for the Universal Principles of the Library of the Unity of Science (1992)  Universitas Year for the Global Correlation of the Library of the Unity of Science (1993)  Universitas Year for the Global University of a New Order of University Co-operation Fulfilling Science (1994)  Universities Year of Celebration and Fulfilment (of the practical aspect) (1995 or / and Year 0 from Spring Equinox March 95),  Universitas Year 1  inauguration March 1996 and  Universitas Year 4 (Year 4) March 99. Universitas years is a scientific reference years for all traditions of years of the world and perfect for a global standard of Global Intranet, Internet and our Library of the Unity of Science.
Chapter 1 Integration of the disciplines of science and knowledge  in the Library of the Unity of Science Universitas Week Now we want to integrate both the practical and theoretical aspect of the science of wholeness enterprise in one week program as course, conference, congress and co-ordination challenges and classic culture celebration covered. To establish a foundation for peace and harmony, progress, growth and development, achievements fulfilling for world society, all we have to do is going together, all of us, citizens of world society and integrate the best of knowledge to do what there is to do. The scientific answer to this challenge is structured as the science of wholeness enterprise. In 1980 we inaugurated our scientific and cultural enterprise and established Independent University Foundation. From 1986 our support and independent administration World Peace Fund has been developing many aspects of the enterprise. The Peace Faculty of Comparative Research Study Scandinavia, the first local science of wholeness enterprise faculty with 4 institutes is leading the Library of the Unity of Science and its Global Times. Our enterprise with the tradition from 1980 of Universitas Week, Global Co-ordinating Week has seven themes, philosophy of the unity of science and the pure intelligence bridging objective and subjective sciences, the four institutes of comparative research study reflecting mans structure of knowledge by his own intelligence, with the sixth theme of our scientific enterprise to build the Capital City of the World as a global university and cultural meeting point for the fulfilment of world civilisation, and the theme of day seven: celebration and fulfilment with club classic culture celebration co-ordination. We also want to build smaller environmental cities as global, independent land at the boarder of other countries or as "Vatican cities» within them.! The enterprise based on global universal cooperation invites everyone to join in
New Fundamental Human Right and a duty to join in sharing the values of free a minimum of housing clothing, water and food to everyone (the dignity and independence of New Fundamental Economical World Order), New Fundamental Information, Communication, Research and Education Order (The Library of the Unity of Science free available for everyone) and the non political Global Voice of Conscience or The Constitution of World Democracy to protect and govern these universal values. So people is governing Internet or a much more advanced reference centre with control, rather than criminals (pornography for instance is illegal according to article 100 of the Constitution of Norway) and business, political organisations and other isolated interests. The challenge facing every enlightened citizen of world civilisation has here an scientific answer as New Fundamental Human Right and Duty! Universitas Year We inaugurated our enterprise and founded Independent University Foundation in January 1980 with Universitas Week, a seven day course, conference and congress . The Science of Wholeness enterprise was defined by the seven themes of Universitas Week.  Theme of day one of Universitas Week is the Philosophy of the Unity of Science and the integration of global universal co-operation. Mans intelligence and the intelligence giving direction to the chances of the natural laws of the universe as a whole, is the same pure intelligence, expressing itself with the same lawfulness and order. Theme of day 2,3,4 and 5 is the four institutes of The Science of Wholeness Faculty of Comparative Research Study of the Library of the Unity of Science . We welcome every university, school, government etc. to open such a peace faculty of comparative research study, so the process of integrating the disciplines, news, information etc. at one place can be in optimum coherence with the global growth of the science of wholeness enterprise or the library of the unity of science, our library. Theme of Day 6 of Universitas Week is the scientific and cultural enterprise to build the Capital City of the World (World Capital) as global land and a global university and cultural meeting point for the fulfilment of world civilisation. Since 1980 we have extended the idea of global land by an invitation to all governments welcome to give land at their boarders to build environmental cities and also to uphold food production, industries needed for the global co-operation (life supporting for all aspects of life), and perhaps all citizens of world society could get a second or first home in a environmental city of global land of world constitution. It is a great joy to introduce an entirely new scientific enterprise to integrate
 Global Times - a book about the Unification of World Society
the disciplines in the unity of science in global university co-operation. The aspect of the program to build the capital city of the world as a global university as a cultural and scientific meeting point for the fulfilment of the world civilisation in this generation, is meant to correlate the global growth of the unity of science. Continues: Theme of Day 7 of the week is congress classic culture celebration and fulfilment. We have also established Club Classic Culture Celebration to integrate and purify all cultural traditions in one new. Another aspect is World Capital as a living global museum. And of course the seventh day represents the wholeness of the enterprise, celebrating the fulfilment of the week as a powerful momentum of progress.

Presented as interesting study from many points og view, also that of "global country" organisation of last part of year 2000 copied our concepts, in the year inaugurated  March same year with the team of Royal Unification of World society, where global land, environmental cities world capital city as its own country and so forth was punlished 1986 and 1999 with the 2 books published and in many other mafazines and books of ours.

concluding remarks:

Of course there are others who contribute to the solution and many techniques exists as by geoenginering, systems that is changing the ecosystems, so we suggest global nonpolitical world democracy to vote for what to integrate, and possible a little of everything is a good idea, as time to achieve whats urgently is needed as the problems probably is 10 times bigger than th e picture used to continue damaging the world even more than before every day. Something making a change have extreme effect and if there are any problems unknown, it may give the collapse number 2, the infrastructures have collapsed already but still may be repaired, if most people go together, but very soon collapse number 2 may come, a situation without repair possibilities, one must see that unbalances allreafy are there. A TV program with students from Denmark and others, presents opportunities and presents opportunities saying we may need 250 billion dollar a year to do research and development next 8 years and such ideas.
Ourstrategy of the common world defence is complete, no new technology is needed, but considering creating a few years of old balances by geoenginering may be a good idea, but also here, our technology is best. Reducing heating by using enough of the incomming sunligth to reduce the temperatyure, may not cost more, but we have combinations to run businesses, so it is a good economic investment, doing what we must do, and the profit by producing pure energy and water to run the world so everyone may enjoy using energy aas only the tich can enjoy today. Ricj is a bad word, sanscrit is better where artha, wealth and anartha, the opposite of wealth, things not worth having, trouble for you and your health as well as health of the world. Climateship and food production to give all a safetynet against problems which today even may hit the rich, is a good idea and people joining in probably will enjoy more wealth from the cooperation, than if 2 hours a day was used on other things, also from the point of view of health and wealth, not only quaity of life. Climateship combinations enjoys values as mass production and correlating many interests by supreme economy, do least to accomplish most and our one and only common world and climate defence, is adding something new to the world, not competing or interfering with governmets and organisation, being non political adding New Fundamental Global Order by the need pyamid of the least we must do to represent only the best interests of all. A byproduct is to stop being only part of the problem, a shame for one and all. UNs governments is the reason for tpdays problem, allowing huge new damage every day, and are welcome to join in our common world defence as well, but as the TV program concluded, why have tthey not done what is takes allready? Politics and environmental organisation as the TV program copin some of my approach, probably therefor even, represents a problem, persons like to held the world ransom and enjoy high income and "sexual appreciation" (prostitution for the good cause), and locally to be the hero, seeing me as competetion, after all if I founded the defence, I am the big hero, But our policy is not to create billionairs, howeber million dollar profit for persons should be possible, after all enjoying being established in the world costs much money. So we give everyone an opportunity to join in promoting the best interests of one and all by universal cooperation, without anyone there to expect huge profit.Set aside your unatural personal or isolated interests and join  the army or promote the world democracy or festival program etc. We shall be gratefu to hear from you accordingly.

mail send:
to: ap.postmottak@stortinget.no,
date: Nov 15, 2018, 11:26 AM

klimaskip med solenergi her ved utvidelse av patentkrav enda ikke realisert ved krav til settepatentstyre ved statsministerens kontor og settestatsråder, utvides med struktur på updraft tower som vist i vedlegg, nesten som tidligere og det haster vi har mer som skak med så snart habil mottaker melder seg, inhabilitet ved landssvik paragrafen i grunnloven og regjering, "storting" og oljeproduksjon, samt for Patentstyret som ikke har korrekt mottak av patentsøknader ved rettspraksis også politianmeldt for landssvik også ved andre sider enn mellomværende, som at ordningens verdisikkerhet aksepterer noe utenfor norsk demokratisk kontroll ved riksrett.
Patentstyret mener jeg ikke har lov til å søke om klimaskip patent ved politianmeldt pliktunnlatelse på patent mange år siden, tiltros for at nytt klimaskip har ørten andre tekniske sider og vi krever at mangeårige avvist patentskip søknad, med originale ideer fortsatt med i nåværende blir realitetsbehandlet, etter som ved patentkrav plikter styret å registrere og uten samtykke eller dom i norsk rettsal kan de ellers ikke henlegge et krav.
Til oljeselskapet og ved styret er det å si at de har investert i solpanel anlegg selskap 700 millioner eller noe, som er penger tapt ved Ernas pliktunnlatelse, de plikter å gjøre rutinearbeide og finne setterepresentasjon for vurderinger, som miljø og energi ministre som dog kan administrere endatil bevilge om penger er øremerket der vi er best åpenbart... Man kan invitere solenergi selskapet til å fusjonere med et av våreselskap hvor klimafondet skal ha 50% ved våre lisenser eller ved statlige B-aksjer i annet klimafond selskap og de nye aksjonærene fremme saken. Vi er intet politisk, der mine personlige politiske oppfattelser er tatt med er det fordi det ville vært uærlig så å si ellers, men klimafondet har standardiserte opplegg som følges rutinemessig og rent forretningsmessig kan inngå avtaler.
Ærbødigst Anandam
to: ap.postmottak@stortinget.no,
date: Nov 16, 2018, 12:57 PM
subject: Re: solenergi mulighet så meget bedre enn det dere troli har investert
Så bra at noen ser behovet for å rette mange feil i staten. Så på you tube Sadhguru omtaler krig i dagens verden som ikke mellom bra og dårlig, men ved at alle har egne meninger forskjellig fra andres, med noe relevans for pågående tredje verdens krig og sabotasjen av klimafond virke mm, mens i Norge har vi fundamentale verdier ved statlig folks beste felles interesser, som feires hver 12 mai og de fleste er enige om bør respekteres. Dette har vi lært av ved World Constitution of Global Integrity som representerer folks beste interesser. Mens folk er ikke veletablerte selv om de har penger og posisjoner som dere, man blir overskygget av verden og media og utdannelses kjøret, og vil derfor stå opp mot ekte autoritet om denne truer med å ta en vesentlig posisjon i verden med kritikk av en selv, der selvkritikk skulle vært.  Kanskje slikt er årsaken til at man føler seg angrepet eller ikke vil handle der det er åpenbart hva som må gjøres, så derfor er det viktig å holde seg til hva man er enige om og jeg  tar opp derfor patentloven i lys av grunnloven for å være komplett på det område, der det er en selvfølge at alle partiene bombarderer de som ikke har handlet ved norsk lov, patriotisk plikt, det er "norske" og høyverdige utviklinger som verden desperat trenger, men man skal kanskje være avhengige av dere eller, noen løsning uten... Vel Patentstyret plikter å registrere innkomne patentkrav med formelt presentert avsender og en patent ide som fagfolk kan realisere. De har ikke sent rekommandert brev med stadfestelse av patentkravet og faktura som identifiserer hvilke patentkrav det gjelder(som vi har sendt rekommanderte brev til dem), hvor undertegnede har ørten, og da patentkravet lovlig skal realiseres som patentholders verdi, er det underslag av billion verdier her, både verdi for Norge og for patentsøker. Det er så alvorlig at om heller ikke rettslig inkasso er reist for å få dom for at penger ikke er innbetalt, så er feilen alene Patentstyrets og regjeringens, for eksempel purret jeg på Giske da han var statsråd på Nordregate i Trondheim om jeg husker rett og senere statsråder og nå med ørten mail til Erna for setterepresentasjon av statsråder og styret, samt stakkars meg, advokatjobb alene nok til minst 1000 advokaters helårsverk, forventning av utvidet frirettshjelp i lys av at selv Røkke ville fåt t problem med advokathonorarer...
Ærbødigst Anandam

Purre gjerne på de som har mottatt mailen, alle har plikt tl umiddelbar handlinf, men viktigere enn inspirer så mane som mulig til å besøke vår hjemmeside, for eksempel ved å sende lnk til alle på din mailing liste eller legg den ut på din hjemmeside. Bestill eller spleise på et newsabonnement og sjekke at hjemmesiden tilgjengelig er orginal ved Rajan Anandam, undertegnede.

One area of cooperation may be real good in Norway by our patent to use oil production in north sea by climate ships with tall updraft tower chimneys as the government is paying the university in Norway to do research om how to better use oil without pollution, that which we at least one month ago introduced as an opportunity for cooperation without university, oil company of Norway or the government or parliament reacted, a real hope for Norway to raise above the shame of damaging the environment by money. So perhaps it is ment as an inspiration for the university to cooperate with us or they are afraid of we finding cooperation for this our idea, so uniq that most probably the only university in the whole world, except ours, is doing research preparations do go into our good support for Norway and the environment. This is telling they may be afraid og our success realisation, that say it is possible and indeed a good team of 5 students and me to form a hexagon circle, would be able most probably to achieve extreme success for the world and for the economy of the stock companies established and wealth building of those joining in. Research is needed on application of the idea and alternatives to our best disposal of CO2 while burning oil in an updraft tower, our patent to achieve faster winds in the tube or chimney where energy is produced when air is sucked out say 3 km up. In the following is the drawing of a 3 km flying cube, by wind or by a balloon perhaps, or perhaps the pillars as balloons, one ball balloon may lift 54 million ton or pillars 56mx56m, only 6000 ton... The chimney perhaps as balloon 1km x1km x3 km lifting 3 million ton and 8 updraft towers around, many combinations possible. The chimney may be 1 km x 1km and supported by solar, wind and wave energy to make use of the hot sea surface air is sucked out by itself 3 km up where it is much colder air, and together with wind, solar and wave energy combined, burning of oil is possible, and the very best way to get rid of the CO2 we probably have, but research and other all ready existing solutions according to popular scientific magazines may be considered, but otherwise it is just application of well known techniques and balances easy for experts to realize, so research from the point of view of science, technology and development, is not needed, neither for the combinations of integrated growth where research to achieve optimum economy is needed. NTNU by this sent them, is welcome to cooperate and as putting one part oil energy into it, more than this energy is produced from the combinations. Our common world and climate defence and Scandinavian Climate Fund of Integrated Growth by me as a President welcomes cooperation to produce hydrogen to be transported by balloon taking 54 000000000 m3 gas and lifting perhaps 50 million ton as pressurized gas as well for transport so not only one ship with one huge balloon is natural, but to flying cubes with ring diameter 3km + is a good idea, the top one is flying away when full, another flying one is parking... We welcome persons, businesses, organisations and governments to join in establishing hexagon circles and thereby stock companies, our hexagon material as presented is the material with best weight strength balance. for 6 km tall stuctures. Rajan Anandam
comments on UN Polen meeting in the end of this page:

we shows one combination of flying machine cube with wings, 1km x1km and 3 km tall balloon and 4 uodrat towers or chimneys about 160m x 160m:

Oil and cold may be used where produces, no polluting transport and be transported by balloons with diameter 3km about and most important transporting a million ton fresh water produced may be easy too, to produce bamboo perhaps in order to produce flying cubes from bamboo and use toilets for fertilizers by production not going to food as humans are ogten polluted. Forest firefigthing or fire figthing possible too and above with 2 flying large cubes:

Her sees et pyramideskip nederst med 2 store kubiske rammer hver med 3 ringer rundt, diameter 3024m og i lyseblått er en ved begge kubene 6 km høyt og 1km x 1 km stor ballong og i rødt er vist like høye, 6 km ca, updraft tower piper i rødt ca 160 m x160m hvor varm luft fra havoverflaten suges ut 6 km oppe hvor det er meget kaldere og varm luft stiger og kombinert med bølge, vind og sol energi for upvarming av luften som også kan gjøres med kull og olje og eqinor, alle på Stortinget, regjeringen, NTNU og alle er velkommen med for å danne AS med Skandinavik Klima Fond av Integrert Vekst  også for å nytte oljeproduksjon til grønn verdens transformasjon i nordsjøen og koordinerende eheter, hexagon ringer av 6 koordinatorer for bygging av klimaskip innbydes alle til å være med på, også barn f.eks. hvor Norges student samfund for studenter i alle aldre skal bygges som klimaskip, flytende miljøby, kanskje egen nasjon med Norges Grunnlov uten parlamentarismen og med 108 departement og Ministre. FNs møte i pPolen er som Al Gore sa i intervju, når siggarreter ble sendt skadelige, hadde produsentene TV innslag og annonser med leger som garanterte at helseproblemet .... Så kan man si om FN også nå som verdens regjeringers ansvar for organisering av samfunnet har vist seg skadelig, har de 1000 vis av vitenskaps folk til å stå bak et 2 graders mål, mens det er totalt uten vitenskapelig fundament at det er problemstillingen, mest sannsynlig langt forbi 2 grader C+ allerede, klimainfrastrukturbalansene vi er avhengig av er trolig kanskje 10 grader C+ allerede, det tar bare litt tid for verdens havet varmes opp, og havet regulerer temperaturen med gjennomsnitlig dybde ca 3500m og det vet vi i Skandinavia, temperaturen er anttatt 12 grader varmere hele året pga havet eller Golfstrømmen, som ellers også tar varmt overflatevann dypt ned for avkjøing og kan opphøre slik at havets avkjøling av temperaturen kan skje på en uke her. Så situasjonen høyst trolig er, som all den hurtigere og hurtigere ekstreme issmeltingen vitenskapsfolk ikke forstår, utenfor Skandinavisk Klimafond av Integrert Vekst, men også vi, jeg er President, sier det bare er sannsynlig slik og det er nok til at regjeringenes organiseringer må bevises å være sunde, for ikke å være terrorisme mot menneskeheten. Så vi sier slutt å overlat ansvaret til regjeringene og FN vær med i vårt felles verdens og klimaforsvar, hvor regjeringene også er velkommen med i samspill, men først og fremst er ved folk og ikke slik miljøvernministeren i Norge sier, npå må tiltak skje via deres avtaler, mens det ville være lett f.eks. å øke prisene på bensin 10 ganger å la folk med minst inntekt få igjen det meste, slik at sløseri undgåes mest mulig. Ikke vårt ansvar vi annerkjenner ei bruken av bensin til daglig, selv ikke aksept f.eks. 3 dager i uka. Mn de som har ansvaret ofte kanskje mange som ikke forstår galskapen, viljen til å ødelegge for å utbytte gjør intet av det som vile vært lett, tvert imot forurenser verden mer og mer fra år til år tiltross for regelmessige FN møter. Det er vår og isen på elven er påbist trolig å være usikker, da ville det vært kriminelt å sende en skoleklasse ut på isen og terrorisme mot menneskheten når risikoen taes med alle barn i hele verden. Så vær patent for å avkjøe havet med slike skip her presentert er mitt i blinken og den norske regjering saboterer vårt virke, kanskje redslen for vår sukksess er at vi gjør vår plikt, holder dem ansvarlig for svik, ikke bare mot fedreladet, hele verden. Alle bør ta selvkritikk å konkurere med Hitler og co om størrelse på terrorisme er ikke noe det lønner seg å ha ansvaret for, ja er slik at vi tar belastningen med å nevne det itillitt til at de fleste ikke er så dumme. Alt er en blanding av godt og ondt, at mange har gjort en god innsats for å redde verden kan være riktig og enuge om å gjøre noe , er jp kitt, men meget mer er påkrevd umidelbart og alle land (ikke bare USA) kan samspille med vårt felles verdens og klimaforsvar ved President Rajan Anandam Skandinavisk Klimaforsvar av Integrert Vekst.


Who can join in building a 1008 stock companies by Student Society of Norway
climate ship:

We shall be grateful to here from anyone wanting t share the challenge not
only a ship for Norway but for any country and if a country is far from the sea,
perhaps one more flying cube for transport to anywhere to and from the ship.

A combination of above opportunities is suggested for India also with suggestion we dispose the sunken island for a climateship nation. These mail are sent:


AttachmentsMon, Dec 17, 2018, 12:40 AM
to Rajendra, hoc
India seeks energy / gas from Norway, how about unboundance of hydrogen gas for 50% of the price

Please forward the President and State minister of India business opportunity by https://pyramidisland.page.tl/ where the technology is presented by attachment also more on the homepage, which also have interesting purification of vedic knowledge. We suggested earlier to invest the lost island beneeth sea level with competetion for ownership allready where also those must accept as center of production perhaps.



Tue, Dec 25, 2018, 10:49 AM (10 days ago)
to Mail
I am reading about agni and found that  agni commes from water H and O and in the 9 agnis of the body of humans, beginning with agni by first chakara according to my home page research into interesting theme, second is water by chakra 2 as hydrogen and oxygen is burning giving water.
My suggestion is making India a hyrdogen society and by investing an island , now below sea level news tells, to buil a nation of climateships, we get an opportunity to raise money around the world if you also promoses to bay hydrogen as energy delovered by air transport as suggested, and first country may negotiate to be in union with the country in such awat selfsufficient with energy bu running production and transportation, our profit to build all over the world by our common world defence, lie in that the climatefund dispose business outside India if India is first....

bob andersen 108andersen1008@gmail.com

AttachmentsWed, Dec 26, 2018, 10:08 AM (9 days ago)
to Rajendra, postmottak
There are a combination of systems of energy production we presents and by ships moving around spreading the influence on nature and our offer of self sufficiency is Limited by that of world democracy, global democratic control, one of the reason of 1008 businesses on each ship is that some activity may be shut down owing to unforseen effect on the climateinfrastructures. We do not want to create new environmental chatastrophes as the collaps of temperature balances really is. However, the big balance is global warming increased and that we produce energy and balances the extra heating by cooling the ocean and taking over the oil economy t establish 1 billion new jobs by climateships, half year out half year by climatefriendly home… Our offer we uphold a week, then we publish this mail as an offer o all countries, first nation…, it is not profit but cooling our approach, all countries should be interested in our approach even etter than internal profit makers....
cheeers Anandam
Ps. a personal note: a cricket program with Deepak Chopra I saw some of recently and I was at lectures at NTNU by Indian students arrangement with a leader from India and I also played chess against Magnus. It seems that children and youth are giving few opportunities for real competetion as of building stock companies and we suggest a cooperation building new companies by climateship and annual part time jobs to also enjoy income and building homes by climatefriendly standards as well. We see you seek cooperation with Norway, I am a Norwegian, for ships and energy also for ships on rivers and as for Africa a gold Nile or Ganges may be buildt transporting water into rivers and flying in ships as well with toilets, baths and transport both by air and water, example see attachment. We shall be grateful to receive offer of land for building such a house in India as well for instance in the city or just outside where Magnus met Anand fr chess or Maharishi Mahesh Yogi founded Spiritual Regeneration movement.

Any nation can applly for same cooperation.

The little ship in bottom of 2 large cube ring frame, togethr about 500m tall have a "donut" ring green ship construction as hovercraft with large diameter 360m and small diameter 120m with 6 cubice forms around:

Alternative size, main square building siide 14,4 with ring diameter 21,6m, top building that is.

How the tower for sailsetting and much more may grow as one big ball in relationship  to the ship diameter is shown, here is how several may be put on top of each other:

This as a principle works for the use of one flying ballone, the top of 4 may be with an ordinary windmill hanging upside down 3-4 km up 200m about above the third flying cubic frame with 3 rings around. This tower is better for the updraft tower if that is the main reason for vuilding tall, as higher up it is colder, sucking hot aor out stronger, producing more energy.
On Frøya, a big island in Norway plans for 180m tall windmills are not wanted from the people there, so when in production, we suggests to put the windmil upside down under a flying cube or many on top of each other, where it can be taken into the cubic frame when landing or the tower is put together again. The cube has sides 720m and is 1000m wide and tall, 3 rings around diameter 1080m, goves helecopther blades rotating around the cube, which may be a ballone lifting 300 000 ton. The pillars are 20mx20m and those standing may be used for updraft tower chimneys. God for windmills, can be recirculated while being less effective as the wind is extremly stronger high up and our windmill system is better, but recirculation may go well.

Vi har kontaktet Frøya kommune og forespurt om industriplass og dybvannskai tilgang for vår løsning, og dette har de alt tilgjengelig. Folkeaksjonen mot faste instalasjoner er kontaktet ved advokat, statsministeren for patentkravet i tipasning av flygende vindmøller til gammeldags teknikk som kann resirkuleres med mange dobling av energi produksjonen, e er noe av mail sendt i dag 30 januar 2019:


Vedlegg10:00 (for 22 minutter siden)
til bengt.eidem, postmottak, MDG.Postmottak, post, lena.jorgensen, redaksjonen, postmottak, sveinung.susort, thomas

Til statsminister og sette statsråder, til ordføreren i Frøya, aksjonen på Føya og


  • Kommunikasjonsdirektør
  • bengt.eidem@tronderenergi.no
  • Kan direktøren fortelle oss hvorfor intet svar er gitt etter mange år. Vi utvider patentkravet på klimaskip med kuber som produserer skipets vann og energi med det vist i vedlegg for de vindmøller planlagt 160m høye, her hengt under en flygende kube, opp ned med fordel ikke fast installasjon og kan ta vindmøllene høyt opp hvor vinden er meget sterke og med motorer rundt snurre de rett mot vinden, nye og gamle vindmøllers bedre anvendelse.

Vi gratulerer kommunen med vedtak om utbygingen, ny folkeavstemning i kommunen altså og tilater oss å å se det hele i perspektiv av Operasjon Redd Golfstrømmen, immidlertid om de er så raske til å reagere såm nå, vil e kanskje få Henrik Ibsens kjente stykke En folkefiende Prisen Jaws for kommunestyrer.

som Operasjon Redd Danmark, så er vi høys nøkterne, dette er risikoen man ikke har lov til å se bort fra, er isen på elva antatt usikker på våren, sender man ikke en skoleklasse ut på den, selv om det er sansynlig at det går bra, klimainfrastrukturene derimot har høyt sannsynlig kollapset alt, pluselige endringer er ikke utenkelig. Hav økning for en start på få uker 5-10m...
Immidlertid som oppstartbedrifter eller flere AS under etablering, er vi nølterne og forretningsmessig med en fantisk utgangspunkt som ibgen med respekt for seg selb kan si nei til, vårt initiativ her, eller:
Hai Sommer, Jaws på Frøya
Filmen er basert på at kommunestyret, og her ved sammenligning alle involvert i handling som har resultert i klimaskadene også regjeringen i Norge, på sommerøya ikke vil tape inntekter fra turister ved å gi alarm, hai langs badestrendene. Det selges mange hytter på frøya og:
Operasjon Redd Frøya antyder at det er ikke utenkelig at Frøya står under vann på relativt kort tid, da den er 72m høy kun. Operasjonen er basert på rasjonell risikovurdering hvis konsekvenser er at det er en plikt å formidle hva ansvar man har for utviklingen og på det faktum at vindmøllene ved vår teknologi ikke trenger å være faste installasjoner, forretningsmulighet presentert her; https://pyramidisland.page.tl/.  En skoleklasse på vei ut på usikker is, isen har tegn på å være usikker, plikter man å informere om risikoen, man sender ikke alle barna på Øya ut på isen i stedet. Klimainfrastrukturene har høyst sannsynlig kollapset allerede, kun et spørsmål om tid, det tar tid å varme opp havet mm, og verden vil kollapse selv om man slutter helt å påføre mere skade hver dag som nå. Operasjonen har ved vindkraftløsningen også komplett strategi for å avkjøle verdens havet.
Energiselskapet som har muligheter til ekspansjon og større fortjeneste ignorerer meg, kanskje som Tesla, av energi selskapene da han introduserte sitt system for folks energiuavhengighet og vi vurderer gjerne Tesla system ved de høye tårn også. Climate Jaws er nå et etablert utrykk med Frøya som inspirasjon, hva sagt intert vet vi ikke, men som i filmen hva som ikke ble sagt, er vesentlig, som haien ble dysset ned i filmen, vedtok kommunestyre of vedta folkeavstemning uten det selvfølgelige tredje alternativ, som de vile i filmen redde turist sommer sessongen, selges det mange hytter på Frøya...
Jaws er altså under og overkjeven til en hai eller kommunestyremedlemmer antydet av Stephen Spielberg i filmen haisommer.
Vi har presentert minst 3 førsteside historier, desidert best forside på avisene i Frøya og Hittra, NRK mm men de synes å være med storkjefta klima jaws, ikke en gang takk for materialet som fritt kan gjengies. Tror de ikke på at de kan være under vann på kort tid, tross alt verdens havene er varmet opp også i dypet, tidligere kjent kun 50 øverste metre og isen på polene og breene i Norge smelter fort akkurat som isen på fortauet ute, jeg har vært oppmerksom på siste uker og selv om bart noen steder , et par dger med pluss grader sitter isen fast og gått på fortauet, men regner det kan den forsvinne på en dag. Polisen har smetet likeledes fort, forbausende for eksperter som ikke vil innrømme at det trolig er mer enn 12 grader varmt allerede, ikke 1 grad C +, havet som vist tar tid å varme opp så det avkjøler målt middelstemperatur, men stopper varmt vann å bli avkjøt ved golfstrømmen f.eks, kanskje pol isene smelter på noen måneder, både lufta og havet er oppvarmet tl å sluke isen

Vi har også prosjekt i Afrika, se siden og;

Følgende er fri og øyeblikkelig pressemelding:

For de pengene Erna og co ønsker å bruke på transportforbedringer som av jernbanen, kan det norske folk fø noe meget bedre, ikke et gratis helikopter hver, men en flygende limousin med flere sikkerhetssystemer for fall i lufta, og som kan produsere hydrogen eller energi om natta og en flåte av svære flygende kubisk rammer for annen transport meget bedre enn i dag og jernbane spor kan brukes til flate tigvogner som drar din flygene bil, mens du sover, spiser, ser på TV, etc. Vi tipper planen var for å tipse oss om at nasjonalt samspill kan være mulig for dette.

Staten  vil bruke 1000 milliarder på transport, utbygging sies det og vi svarte ved personlig
melding fra meg, hvor klimafondet ikke er politisk, men kan gi samspill ved verdens beste
transportplan, tegninger er best i verden ved våre hjemmesider og tidligere presentert, på toppen av dette finnes bedre utgaver forbausende meget bedre... Mail sendt Erna, Vnstre, Miljøpartiet Nrk mm 14 februar:

1000 milliarder til transport, hvorfr ikke tjene 1000 milliarder på transport i stedet



09:00 (for 0 minutter siden)
til postmottak, MDG.Postmottak, 02060, nrk, info, ida.anna.haugen, vaktsjef, venstre.postmottak
Først, der er kun mulig å bevilge til fornødne statsoppgaver ved Grunnloven og Stortinget og for inneværende stortingsperiode, fortrinnsvis årlig.
For beløpet kan man produsere flygende kube til alle for halvparten, som produserer energi og har optimal sikkerhet i lufta, for andre halvparten kan man produsere store kuber for transport av varer, se hjemmeside.
klimafondet kan tilby avtale om pengene investeres i AS for produksjon, motsvarende 3000 milliarder i profit potensiale på salg utenlands og kubene produserer sin  egen energi og for lengere turer kan de kjøre i tog med sjafør
Om det bestilles mange nok nyhetsblader pr epost vil vi kunne produsere en spesial utgave for tilbudet. Alle på tinget, i departementene og universitet, alle media for offentlig debatt, anbefaler vi staten, tinget, Erna eller hve som helst bestiller, kun 108 kr pr nyhetsmal, minst 4 kvartalsvis i et år, trolig flere til og begynne med så fort vi får kladdet og presentert...

https://operasjon.webs.com/ viser flygende bil for en persjon, tilpasset dagens trafikkmønster og bygater, men ved total løsning kan større utgaver produseres, limosinstørrelsen kan være mindre og større. På denne siden før jeg forenklet mitt navn ligger denne slissen f.eksk:

Limusin varianten er betydelig større som vist over og i stedt for 1242 indre kuber i pillarene
kan man ha mindre kuber med mursteins dekke i flere lag, hvor kubisk ramme utvidet, inspirert av Tesla,
har i tykkelse 0,1m flere lag hvor mursteinene er fylt med vakum, altså vakuum isolert:

Om diameter er 5,4m er kubens sider 3,6, med rom inne ved vakuum isolert veg 0,1m tykk, 2,8mx2,8mx2,8m
Vi har funnet muligheter for at slike kan kjøre usedvanlig fort også i lufta alene og
om Oslo Trondheim med flate vogner drar disse flygende limousiner, kan det kjøre fortere en
vanlig tog fordi svingene blir ikke belastning og hver  kan fly fr toget i fart når framme, toget trenger ikke å stoppe.
Dugnadsnettverk, sponsing, forskningsmidler, investeringer og kjøp av obligasjoner er velkomment,
samt 108 kr til transport Norge nyhetsmail avgift:

Konto / account in Norway
IBAN NO24 0532 1667 831
Above is the cube applied for vakuum insulation and the flying car with diameter 5,4m suggested for Norway and all citizens and all transport in Norway. The suggestion for oil company is for all companies probably able to earn more from sold oil than vefore by cooperation with the climate fund and now when no respons is registered in Norway, we say first oil company may negitiate even bigger profit potential than that of usual profit from oil and a little more. The top income lng term goes to the people of the world by the infrastructure of world peace and global integrity as a safetynet for one and all, here green world transformation, oil is producing hydrogen, all transport by hydrogen limousins with a room 3,4mx3,4mx3,4m with 6 extentions 1,2mx1,2m x0,6m inside, the 4 on the sides goes to bathroom, entrance, kitchen and storage, and as security home for all, if sea lyvel raises 50m this year for instance and for people without a home everywhere reserve home, the safety net.

We have good ideas of producing a steam engine for all use as cars, trains, busses, planes, ships etc. and we seek a team of say 1008 experts wanting to join in parttime to develop the engine and all around it for the green world transformation. Experts need not to be with university degree and several combinations with other areas of expert knowledge is needed inclusive econom to start transform the world. Voluntary free work but against stocks where stockcompanies are established.

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