It is a great joy to introduce the new country by Anand, the Climate ship of integrated growth, Gold Nile to move water into Africa by flying machines taking a million ton a tour, Bir Tawil between Sudan and Egypt and Marie Byrd land. Perhaps a decade ago we welcomed Sudan and Egypt to share the triangel close by as global land and a new country in union with both Sudan and Egypt, as we have welcomed nations around the world with dispute of boarders to do likewise, opening for new opportunities as free water removing the negativ attention and conflict of boarders, still by union enjoying the land. This invitation we uphold, but the new country Anand, a constitutional democracy, does not interfere or relate to the invitation other than an opportunity for negotiation without our interference. We invite Egypt to allow us to produce stones for a new pyramid by the placed the ancient pyramid used stones from as we plan to establish a pyramid university and as congresses, students, festivals etc. demand safety, when people gathers, we invite both countries to offer assistance of protecting the boarder and we may negotiate how many million ton of water delivered for how much protection. Sudan we welcomes to offer an opportunity for a pipeline from the Red Sea along their boarder to the triangel, so we do not interfere in their conflict, we do not know much about, a sentence here and there. Salt water into updraft towers to produce fresh water, and here also payment in fresh water transported to where they want as for the request to Egypt.
The above sent as mail to some about 30 with above invitation as well as:
We welcome UN and Africa Union to offer membership for Anand.
We shall be grateful to hear from everybody wanting to promote the greater good by the best interest of all by our common world and climate defence and this integrated growth business initiativ.
We plan a new nation by a climateship, Gold Nile, to transport water into Africa, a million ton pr trip of this large flying machine and updraft towers as the tallest tower in the world 3024m tall:

mail sent september 18
to downing street 10 by
Oslo embasy
Dear Ptime Minister,
you visited Africa and on TV 50 000 new jobs every day was needed, you said, and Scnadinavian Climate Fund of Integrated Growth, may know exactly how your good aspiration and cooperation may serve the world just like that. For all in Europe from Africa opportunities for jb may be interesting as well, but our common world defence is not based on many enjoying nonstop profit, only investment profit. However, so many jobs may enrich the business in Englan as well, as you hve alot to contribute with. As your high society enjoyed the positivity of your contribution to England
one good support would be giving the initiative an island as rock all or some land, to be a new country by a climate ship.
Enjoy the arvhitecture at our homeoage as Africa is known for pyramids, too.
Please forward the head of the government of China, who by an offer of about 500 billion NOK in support to Africa, want the money to go where it matters most and then integrated growth, better concept than sustainable development too, is the key concept, taking care of basic needs and combining of the technology business structures of tomorrow not damaging the world r society, infrastructure as roads is even outside the the pyramid of needs coming to the noble aspirations of China, flying cars on hydrogen may be a good business and if 50 000 new jobs a day is the challenge, many new countries as Vatican state by climate ships must be established in order to protect the new companies from not needed tapping of growth potential, too. We welcome African countries to give away land on their boarders for the gold Nile producing all the water the continent needs too.
England was invited yesterday and now we welcome China too to give some land, as before suggested, islands of international conflict.
The seeing of the opportunity of producing 100 000 jobs a day by the primeminister of England on TV, comes from long meditation of building 100 million new stock companies by laws of new countries. Explotion of world population is soon a challenge of 10 billion people to have food, extremly important to go vegetarian, also related to the climate and nonviolence freedom from depth and shame.
Africa is known for having a huge potential producing food, to. Join our common world defence
to all and african union org:
new countries along all boarders in Africa, independent as Vatican States, with its own constitution including world constitution of global integrity, may be the key to unify Africa by cooperation with Univeritas Enterprise and Scandinavian Climate Fund of Integrated Growth. A vision of opportunities is presented at our homepage and discussed with China and England by mail copied. The government of Norway is allready welcomed to support us by their duties as a government, by the best interest of Norway and not inspite of oil interests, moe because of them.
We shall be grateful to hear from you accordingly and the Gold Nile initiative is flying cubes with fresh water produced from salt water with one million ton water each, travelling to and from climate ships.
The ancient swastika from India and Norway goes well for the architecture as well, as the yantra or 9 triangels, mandala cubus and flower of life ancient drawings combined to give perfect architectyre, her for fort functioning.For the purpse of reading and seeing be free to copy the picture. More about the perspective of building 108999 gigantic floating islands and cities on the other pages and as the least needed to balance global warming on this page: operasjon.webs.com
the oportunity of a 1 km tall tower with a chimney 28mx48m by sail setting or 4 by central pillars 4mx4m each is presented on wikipedia #solar uodraft tower", but more advanced heating is our plan, but both works by swastika 540 000 sq m. A stock company for gamblers we offer a huge profit potential from 10-100 times invested money or other values as stock owner payment where Scandinavian Climate Fund of Integrated Growth, enjoying at least 59% of the stocks also coud do with some cash. Please be free to apply for investing time/work, money or other values.
We have invited Norway to invest their large oil fund, but besides investing or giving land all nations are welcome to tithing too, 10% of their income to our common world and climate defence by the climate fund it is also possible to invest half, 5% with a good profit potential. All nations are welcome to give laws as tax freedom for integrated growth building the infrastructure of world peace and global integrity as a safetynet for all and to inspire all to work at least 2 hours a day parttime by our universal cooperation, also allowing building working positions and enjoying profit by stock companies, but cooperation is also by 108 Ministries of climateship city government as well as by the people as network building and celebrations.
We are glad after more than a decades with warnings that climate change is much worse by risks than expected by analyzes allowing to world to continue every day with more and extreme damage on the infrastructure of the environment including climate destruction, that UN and others sees the need for other things as by the needpyramid of building global integrity, our one and only common world defence is ready. Be aware of all trying to say that they represents climate improvements, a lot of scientist, organisations, governents etc, they only seek members and money, as most is far from the need pyramid of the strategy to balance global warming, owing all the tactics needed allready, even though experts and others must research for best application. Do not waste time, join our common defence, now, by the universally acceptable best interests of one and all, and not to better positions or access to money, but to save the world. Every day can be the change of phase transitions so no return is possible, even though the infrastructures is so damage that the world probably is lost allready, collapse of the world may perhaps be stopped by our strategy if you and most people joins in.
Our nonpolitical world democrazy ask you for voting, your responsibility to achive the network to register your voting, by family perhaps, finding 2-5 others doing the same. First question: Do you see that climate change is not within the knowlege of today, and that the risks are obvious, not proven not to be real risks needing immidiate respons, stoping damaging the situation releaving from past damage too? Just as a plane must be verified safe before take off, when proof is not found for safety, action is needed?
Rajan Anandam the founder of the defence, is from Trondheim, leading the registration. His newsletter may be a possibility of registration "message yes to defence, yes emailnewslettersubscription fee NOK 108 paid. Be free to send a donation as well, but if it is not easy for you, big strain of your economy, inspire others. Recommended letter also costs much money, and we seek networkbuilding taking care of what money can accomplish covering costs. A school class may find several other classes to share a subscription perhaps, but least focus on money is best. We shall be grateful to hear from you accordingly.
Antarctica has been claimed by various nations, unspoken for. Marie Byrd is now called Gaia and we hope for congratulations , we plan to fight for it being non attractive as the ice should not melt, by this foundation of our common climate defence, just as: