Universitas Enterprise founded 1980
Rajan Anandam born in Trondheim Norway January 1957 founded Universitas Enterprise in 1982 and has developed it as an opportunity for the world since,now also to remove the risks of climate change by our common world and climate defence, a aspect f the infrastructure of world peace and global integrity as a safetynet for one and all. Unifying all knowledge by the integrity of Universitas Library to promote the unification of world society as by adapting to climatechangerisks, building the Capital City of the World as a Universitas Academy and serving the people with values supporting their freedom and independence by World Constitution including non-political world democracy, is among his brilliant combinations of the true interests of all with practical steps of action for realizing the New Fundamental Global Order. The same perfection as he found in the flag of our global homeland, the logo of global integrity, he found the mathematical perfection of an ancient drawing reflecting the theam of integrity.
He made his name for more than a decade Rajananand Dhananjaya simpler and when he founded the enterprise his name was Stein Roar Andersen, his family name. As a citizen of Norway he have studed the Constitution of Norway and found it not well integrated innsociety and in 1977 he was educated a yoga and meditation teacher. He has been a vegetarian for about 40 years, the last year also vegan, but when planning to get people to join producing vegan food for everyone without modern agriculture problems, we of course do not interfere with what people otherwise is eating. Global Bank have even a currency as new fundamental income, guaranteed as a safety net for all, and these days with climate change risks, rich countries needs it as much as the rest of the world, and there is also a green world transformation currency to initiate the action the world ought to do. Global Voiting by World Constitution of non-political world democracy request the people of the world to advice weather or not governments should support the currency or better how. However, some principle question we have, if most people stands together, if at all ask governments which is part of the problem.
Please, be free to send NOK 108 to the account on the poster and send a mail with yes or no and message newsletterfee paid!
Above txt may be reprinted, complete, but application is needed if one wants also the poster with our logo reprinted.
Denmark 30m below sealevel in 2030 is as likely as the UN global warming risk calculatns, not prooven by UN, agreed as climate responsibilities. It is even probable that it it is more likely to happen than UN climate panel without proof for their excuse not to respond to the climate change challenge, by prooved risk which may happen. Gulfstream makes it 12 degrees C hotter in Scandinavi all year by hot air from the sea, likewise the ocean may keep global warming temperaily down 12 degrees C owing to that it takes time to heat up the 7!5 3600m deep part of the world, but the cooling effect may be lost at a time,
giving melting of most of the ice in the world....
Universitas Enterprise of World Peace Constitution of the infrastructure of global integrity was founded by Rajan Anandam in 1980 then by name Stein Roar Andersen with seven themes of Universitas Week. The philosophy of the unity of science and all knowledge is theme one, where the next 4 themes is the 4 institutes of comparative research study as Universitas Library of all knowledge, where first referring institute is theme 2, theme 3 the human institute relating knowledge concerning people and society, all possible but also as how developments influences health of society as by climate change, theme4 and 5 is the analysing and synthesising institutes of comparative research study and integrated growth of health for society, as a much better concept than science and technology, sustainable development, optimum economy etc. 6th theme is the capital city of the world as a cultural meeting point for the fulfilment of world civilisation, centre for the global reference centre of knowledge far better and with a new internet not possible to abuse, with new computers not possible to reach by hacking and so forth. Integrity-net is the concept of a new internet and Global Times of Integrity one of the means of sharing knowledge where everyone is welcome to be an editor, presenting something as news or pieces of knowledge. The capital city of the world a meeting point for the best interest of one and all within what is universally acceptable. 7th theme is celebration of fulfilment, where celebrations of good standards without social control of drugs, alcohol, music with bad lyrics, as many wants to exploit a common meeting point to promote their own interest in an unnatural or not decent way. Celebrations so far have been annual inauguration of new year on March Equinox or the Day of the Independence of the Citizen. The protection of these values not to be exploited for unfair competition or to represent also isolated interests is by World Constitution of non political global democracy, defining the universal, common goals of the best interest of mankind, of one and all. The 4 goals of focus of integrated growth is new fundamental economical world order, a minimum free of housing food and clothes, where producing and distributing one free vegan meal a day to all is a practical theme as Global Bank also with the opportunity of paying a minimum income free to all, just start to pay as soon as the world democracy accept the non political minimum to all, as we just want to add the infrastructure of global integrity, New Fundamental Global Order, not interfere with politics, governments, religion, etc. Happy news, it is just starting pay when everyone agrees to accepting free money to fulfil world economy also by integrated growth of pure effective competition, too. Then New fundamental Information, Communication Research ad Education order is aspect to of the infrastructure, where Universitas Library is the theme, then it is the principles of non political democracy and universal celebrations, complete the 4 aspects of the infrastructure of world peace. These 4 by the seven themes and nothing else to disturb the common
interests and universal cooperation hopefully of all or most people in the world. Integrated Growth businesses was allowed by constitution decades ago and is extended as projects to build 108 000 new nations, perhaps several in union, by as many floating cities and climate ships and all governments are welcome to share ome land for these new nations as well, most probably as new kingdoms by a constitution close to the Norwegian, but without parliamentarism or parties as today. World economy needs fulfilment not only because by-products as poverty is extreme shame and giving depth using money, but also because world society by economy is damaging the world by the ecosystems which is common property not allowed for such exploitation as the loss of integrity world society depends on is a price totally unacceptable. 108 000 huge climate ships with updraft towers, together with other approaches is what it takes to cool the huge ocean covering 71% of earth and regulating temperature, and thereby also remove danger of other greenhouse gasses than CO2pollution, rise of sea level, extreme weather and collapse of ecosystems and thereby world society as we know it. Not being able to realize the infrastructure without participating in world destruction possible terrorism against humanity, is the reason for integrated growth by climate ships and complete strategy to balance global warming. We welcome one and all as participants of our common democracy and the network building to create units for registration of voting and for celebrations and to join in building a world of global integrity by realizing the above, in the common interests of people, and therefor better than economic or other isolated interests in society seeking to find ways to make people dependent often instead of free competition to adjust to the interests of society, which is the key to success of mass production or production by skills and knowhow by optimum economy, to do least to accomplish most of real and good values For instance food is damage so it is a humanitarian effort even to provide a free meal of good traditional healthy vegan food as well to the riches societies as well. Profit by stock companies policy is to double the investment as profit perhaps by first 2 years, then keeping the stocks by moderate interest for stockholders for instance. What a generous offer, the offer of our cooperation to raise above the shame of world poverty, terrorism of climate change and activities of no real good values. World is a meeting place of god and bad and we do not want to interfere with politics, economy or societies, just add something new, the infrastructure in the best interests of one and all. 1008 companies of integrated growth by each climate ship do compete within the rules of world economy too, producing water, food, energy and integrated growth products of Universitas Library and by democracy we hope all governments are inspired to give freedom of taxes, by many of these products in order to fulfil the strategy of our common world and climate defence.
We have sent mail to England, China, Norway and the African Union inspired by the noble aspiration of China for supporting Africa and vissions of needs from primeminster of England saying Africa needs 59 999 new jobs every day. Integrated growt for the global need pyramid combined with a need pyramid in Africa and a few other countries and Europe as ell may privide 100 000 job opportunities a day both taking care of the needs of the people, environment and businesses of Africa as well.
see subpage about integrated growtg in Africa
Last copying of our initiativ was by a terrorist on a >TV program about the state and persons must cooperate both to avoid 2 degrees or 1,5, probably inspired by his role as migthy terrorist, damaging the climte infrastructures every day also by governments policies. He used our argument, they could not proove that 1,5 degrees is the result of the present activities, but knew about his terrorism as by same day and many times a year using planes. Our common world and climate defence based on most people cooperating actually acting to balance the problem, not like most effort even climate condrences, just using money and poluting more than the result of their activities. Experts are important but not much comming to global cooperation to combat the terror, then it can not be used to seek money, sex, menbers etc. by finding some interests of climatechange, but mostly far from what is a must to do, what must be done not to be a terrorist by the one and only defence, not by the 3 most important factors of the problem or terrorism of world war 3 against infrastructures. The terror organisation is govenments also by UN, world economy or business and peples part of the problem by partipating in the destruction of the world, extremly more damage is done every day. The problem and science is like the 5 blind men to find out what an elephant is, one associated the ear with a flag, another the foot with a pillar and so on, actually knowing the problem a too large multidiciplinary problem for the approsach of science and technolog. The one and only defence do not waste time by doing research, just registering what damages is done and what can be done to restore balance, and here are the need pyramid outside 99,9999% of what is called cilmate acivities. The best interests of each and everyone is så extremly strong that it is almost unthinkable that our common defence is ignored any more, but the biggest problem is the mentality, the wish to hold the world ransom and exploit antone wanting to do good. Those still terrorist by taking the risk of complete collapse of world society, should not be expected leed, but to join our common world defence and leaders of government and universities or businesses may apply for a chief Minister position on a climate ship, one of 108 by each ship as those joining universal cooperation may apply to join a ministry and participate in the competetion to be Minister, on one ship , floating island , city and hopefully new nation, too. It is probably too late, the damahe of the infrastructures of climate is extreme as extreme weather everywhere is verifuibg, But reversing the effect of global warming by cooling the world ocean as by our coplete strategy may bay us time to restore the balances of global integrity also by wrld society with the infrastructure of world peace and global integrity as a safetynet for one and all, for rich as well as those without means, the needs by the risks are obcious, as in Norway a rich country, the weather this year has shown extreme problems by just a little wors here and in other countries and worse and worse by accelerating speed we have explained in more than a decade, is the tendency and expected change, not to say if a phase transition give extreme climate changes in no time as we have pointed out is far from unyhikable by the risk patterns found. Immidiatedly inspire say 5 in your family to do the same, inspire 6 others to study the challenge of time seen and met by Universitas Enterprise founded by me, Rajan Anandam in 1980
Trondheim, Norway
It is a great joy to offer you the opportunity to raise above the shame as terrorist against humanity and we shall be grateful to hear from you accordingly. Noone but Anandam represents the networkbuilding campaugn by this reason and newly initiativ based on World Constitution of non poltical world democracy to be realized as soon as possible.
Inspire 5 others by mail to visit our homepage and perhaps bay a email nesletter from Anandam or share one, 108 NOK divided on 6 is 18 NOK pr person pluss costs of sending. With or without subscription, within an hour inspiring others to do the same, may develop the network every hour with 5-25-125..., very fast around the world by above question of voting,
we do not know exactly the risks of climate change, but obviously the best interests of all is to ensure integrity of the climate infrastructure including the ocean, in order to be safe? yes no Sharing the fee only by persons inside same family or all in a school class....
Green world transformation currency by Green Currency Bank enjoys the world gold standard currency, as digital transport of all money in the whole world does not need changing to a third currency, if transport from one country currency to another, or a second within a country. Green Currency Bank cooperates with Global Bank. The Currency itself enjoys the equal of 72000 000 000 000 USD and the gold standard of the currency goes by stocks worth 144 USD in 108864000, or about 100 million stock companies, and a 100 billion stocks about, where the climate fund enjoys 50%, and those owned by the people of the world gives the gold standard of the currency. 50 billion bonds by climate fund and climate ships stock companies is available, each worth equal 144 USD. About 1000 stock companies for each climate ship, 100 000 ships (1008 companies 108 000 ships= 108864000 companies). You can apply for as many of those bonds as you like, and each bond may be changed into one stock of a climate fund ship stock company. Such a company may plan to be part of a ship, but uphold business completely independent of the fulfilment of a ship for 1008 companies. Such a company may sell flying machines or licence to build them, for instance, aspiring to move to a independent country where the stock company is protected by constitution giving taxfree paradise saving, building real wealth. The transformation of a bond into a stock company, goes with a initial good profit potential, when achieved, a licence of profit is paid and more regular income for regular business may be the situation, related to the climate fund, that is. The company may run business profitable as by new bonds. Otherwise the bond is supposed to paid back by the stock company selling it, with 2% interest annually after 9 years, if the natural aspiration of transforming the bond to a stock, not fulfilled. The bond money may be invested in Apartments in a climate ship with first priority security balance within 50% of the bank security value of the appartement and build up the wealth of real values producing a highly profitable whole for 1008 companies, sharing offices, halls, communication, seceratriate etc. with optimum economy, do least to accomplish most and by the supreme sustainablility logo. A sells you a bond, by As company; A and B ( a company, too) about to establish a new company sells you a stock for that bond, when enough bonds are there to fulfil a company start up. A earns of the 144, 18 USD, and B who is the administrator for A , number one in the chain
of network building earns 18 USD, when the bond is transformed to 8 stocks in a stock company, however, the bond seller, achieves one bond in company A worth 16 USD and one in company B, and 6 in the new company C, all together 8 stocks. If B have registered 2 A a day for a month, 60 x A and giving B 120 new stocks a day, the next day in earns 2000 USD and with pyramidical growth. The climatefund have 50% of the stocks ensuring rules for disposing the values of the company, but allows a good salery for people of succsess in this network building, where money is invested in climateships and those working in the company have profit agreements above good sallery, paid in stocks, as with opportunity owning 50% of an appartment stock company, where the fund can combine selling and baying or just changing stocks, almost as bond transformation, within oneclimateship, that is. This is most interesting allowing young people with flexibility to start work full time with both good income, and wealth building. Climateships should also have 1008 buildings as homes on land by villages with complete food production by greenhouses with vacuum insulated glass and robot assistance, so wealth building by stocks may give a land based home as well as world cruise appartments. It is a great joy to offer you an opportunity to join the green gold pyramid and you application may be by sending USD 144 changed to Norwegian currency to
Rajan Anandam, P. O. BOX 22, 7400 TRONDHEIM, Account in Norway 0532.16.67831 IBAN NO24 0532 1667 831, BIC (Swift-adresse) DNBANOKKXXX
(USD 144 in NOK as “green pyramid newsletter fee” and rember also name, adress and emailadress,)
but as payment for a gold pyramid newsletter, message. Confidensiality and codes of honor agreement and proper documentation is needed for achieving bonds and agreements for establishing a company together with others in the network building pyramid, building a world of global integrity by building climate ships for production of transport, energy, water and cities for integrated growth of growing waves of achivements, succsess and fulfilment around the year around the world. However, if you by one more bond by agreements, the first paid USD 144 is registered as one bond and the newsletter is for free! Cheers Rajan Anandam
As a curiocity of the many projects started, the one to copy Titanic as a ship is no longer, even though the
buisness as normal in spite the ship has hit an iceberg, as the world today, perhaps 79m taller sealevel in few years, is a good reminder. All may have been saved is the acted smart, probably. But the reason comouter analyze of all findings on the bottom, indicates that gozilla, waited to the ship was almost under water, not broken as some says, and was cut in 2, perhaps why the ocean is difficult. However, there are also signs of today that some being, secret society or what, is able to take down ships and planes without understanding why the accidents happend.
However, all the 100 000 climateships os planned with first class and better service applied for the health and well being of all, as vegan food, health centers, large appartments etc.
We established a new reference year for all years and hopes all liberaries and internet references joins in and the new gloden age of enlightenment we now call Age of Aqurius, to be pyramedical, or by astrolgy registering that we pass into a long periode, some says about 2000 years and the idea is celebrated by the music of the film "hair" we otherwise do not relate to by
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius
Age of Aquarius
Aquarius! Aquarius!
Let the sun shine, Let the sun shine in..."
It is a great joy to tell , we are seeking the fulfilment of world economy, removing the shame of poverty, not mainly focuing on the statistic of poverty, our common world and climate defence is a byproduct of realizing the infrastructure of world peace and global integrity, including the infrastructure of the environment and climate balances, not focusing on the risks and problems, which are so extreme that we can not ignore them if a New Fundamental Global Order of Integrity as a safety net for one and all shoud be developed as integrated by our world society by most people
joining in, but good to by the royal princilpe of world peace, UN aprreciate we promotes, we can by pure logic and commn sendse deduce it as a must, a little stronger than new fundamental human rigth and duty. We appreciate that UN do their best by representing agreements of cooperation with governments of the world, most of them not democratical perhaps even with unjust representation of the people, so a through union of the world must include the world society of citizens of the world and also by non-political world democracy, our global voice of conscience to control that the infrastructure of world peace is not abused and exploited to represent other interests than that of the best and universal interests of all by World Constitution and World Peace Constitution Fund welcomes donations to the administration of peoples voting, as well as people contributing with voluntary free work of universal cooperation to build the network, people to join in voting perhaps by celebrations and festivals of one question of voting, as important questions of the integration of our common world and climate defence in world society and nations, and also the defence as its own defence office of pure intelligence and protection of the first 2 climateships representing a new nation and the democracy, but with storage of results everywhere.
the tradition of years and World Constituion is presented in the following from our annual magazine of 2017:
"science of wholenes, new concept Universitas Enterprise, Rajan Anandam new from Rajananand(a) Dhananjaya and before 2004 Stein Roar Andersen
Year of the Philosophy of the Integration of the Values of Wholeness and Integrity in World Progress. Inauguration Spring Equinox March 2010 Scandinavia. Global Times annual magazine ISSN 1500-6972
Year of the Philosophy of the Integration of the Values of Wholeness and Integrity in World Progress combines the 2 themes of Universitas Week, the Philosophy of the Unity of Science and Science of Wholeness Enterprise (theme one as a new seven year period is starting) and The Peace Faculty of the Science of Wholeness, Synthesizing Institute of Comparative Research Study as theme of the 5th seven year period, all coming seven years.
It is a great joy to tell , we are seeking the fulfilment of world economy, removing the shame of poverty, not mainly focuing on the statistic of poverty, our common world and climate defence is a byproduct of realizing the infrastructure of world peace and global integrity, including the infrastructure of the environment and climate balances, not focusing on the risks and problems, which are so extreme that we can not ignore them if a New Fundamental Global Order of Integrity as a safety net for one and all shoud be developed as integrated by our world society by most people joining in, but good to by the royal princilpe of world peace, UN aprreciate we promotes, we can by pure logic and commn sendse deduce it as a must, a little stronger than new fundamental human rigth and duty. We appreciate that UN do their best by representing agreements of cooperation with governments of the world, most of them not democratical perhaps even with unjust representation of the people, so a through union of the world must include the world society of citizens of the world and also by non-political world democracy, our global voice of conscience to control that the infrastructure of world peace is not abused and exploited to represent other interests than that of the best and universal interests of all by World Constitution and World Peace Constitution Fund welcomes donations to the administration of peoples voting, as well as people contributing with voluntary free work of universal cooperation to build the network, people to join in voting perhaps by celebrations and festivals of one question of voting, as important questions of the integration of our common world and climate defence in world society and nations, and also the defence as its own defence office of pure intelligence and protection of the first 2 climateships representing a new nation and the democracy, but with storage of results everywhere.
this year unto March Eqionox GT reference:
"The new year is a focus of the seven year period dedicated to the The Peace Faculty of the Science of Wholeness, Synthesizing Institute of Comparative Research Study as theme of the 5th seven year period, and the Referring Institute of Comparative Research Study, first and forth institute of the Climate Library as a Library of the Unity of Science Faculty of Wholeness. The Climate Library of Integrated Growth is a multidisciplinary faculty of comparative research study focusing on the climate change challenges as a research into the application of the reference centre of the unity of science for any combination of knowledge or know how pyramids! The dedication of the year is more general than the climate library, but using it as a research into how to combine knowledge by the library of the unity of science and the synthesizing institute of comparative research study as by the focus of the Climate Library of Integrated Growth as also a reference centre for building a world of global integrity by 1008 stock companies to be established around the world by millions of new companies. One of the key here is most people in the world for some time invests 2 hours a day or 12 hours a week to build the new world of business of integrated growth. Integrated growth is opposed to isolated growth on the costs of the whole and a more perfect concept than “sustainable development” which represents compromises the world can not afford. After all by simple logic as analyzing the situation as a game of chess or go and not at all by complicated situations, the most obvious conclusion of synthesizing what is known as climate facts, as increased temperature, concentration of CO2, sea level rise etc, is that we have passed the tipping point of no return.
Global Times Annual Magazine by
Editor in Chief Rajananand Dhananjaya
Year of the Philosophy of the Integration of the Values of Wholeness and Integrity in World Progress. Inauguration Spring Equinox March 2010 Scandinavia. Global Times annual magazine ISSN 1500-6972
Year of the Philosophy of the Integration of the Values of Wholeness and Integrity in World Progress combines the 2 themes of Universitas Week, the Philosophy of the Unity of Science and Science of Wholeness Enterprise (theme one as a new seven year period is starting) and The Peace Faculty of the Science of Wholeness, Synthesizing Institute of Comparative Research Study as theme of the 5th seven year period, all coming seven years. Of course binding the different developed aspects of the enterprise together to see the synergy effects of global integrity or how a little participation from one and all real fast may build a healthier and cooler world and real wealth on all levels of world society without destroying the world, is most important aspect of the theme with a critical situation for world destruction these days! The scientific principles of the philosophy may be developed to further verifies that it is universal, easy for one and all to participate in, with no second or bad interests, the cooperation is organized to be nothing but the universal values clearly defined and easy for one and all to accept for their own participation in Our Common world Defense and campaigns!
We shall be grateful to hear from one and all by our invitation to join the many programs of celebration and for those wanting to enjoy better celebrations wanting to enjoy them for free by working a little to assist others celebrations, there is a program, too! Even running it as a good and profitable business both paid by stocks of the climate fund and by free participation in own celebration assisted by others in The Celebration of Integrity Club, is possible. Those wanting to build wealth and or own house or home may enjoy opportunities and challenges as well! It is interesting to develop the knowledge pyramids, the least one needs to know in order to be on top of a problem or challenger, "
To All, to Each, a happy new Universitas Year. The 17th Year of our Golden Age of Enlightenment by this Day of Global Integrity, Spring Eqinox Scandinavia 2011 we celebrate, however I meet you here by the inauguration of the reference year of all years by the Library of the Unity of Science
Golden Times annual magazine by the 17th Year of our Golden Age of Enlightenment, Year of the Climate Library of Integrated Growth
Reference years: We inaugurated our enterprise and founded Independent University Foundation in January 1980 with Universitas Week, a seven day course, conference and congress. The Science of Wholeness enterprise was defined by the seven themes of Universitas Week. Theme of day one of Universitas Week is the Philosophy of the Unity of Science and the integration of global universal cooperation. Mans intelligence and the intelligence giving direction to the chances of the natural laws of the universe as a whole is the same pure intelligence, expressing itself with the same lawfulness and order. Theme of day 2,3,4 and 5 is the four institutes of The Science of Wholeness Faculty of Comparative Research Study of the Library of the Unity of Science. We welcome every university, school, government etc. to open such a peace faculty of comparative research study, so the process of integrating the disciplines, news, information etc. at one place can be in optimum coherence with the global growth of the science of wholeness enterprise or the library of the unity of science, our library. Theme of Day 6 of Universitas Week is the scientific and cultural enterprise to build the Capital City of the World (World Capital) as global land and a global university and cultural meeting point for the fulfillment of world civilization. Since 1980 we have extended the idea of global land by an invitation to all governments, welcome to give land at their boarders to build environmental cities and also to uphold food production, industries needed for the global co-operation (life supporting for all aspects of life), and perhaps all citizens of world society could get a second or first home in a environmental city of global land of world constitution. We hope to find at least 100 km x 100 km land for world capital with the dome of peace with 9 domes as a roof and the extended area of this building with 9 circles with radius 25 km gives the city itself, then a world map, which the 9 circles can give, locates the city, in the
centre of the dome of peace It is a great joy to introduce an entirely new scientific enterprise to integrate the disciplines in the unity of science in global university co-operation. The aspect of the program to build the capital city of the world as a global university as a cultural and scientific meeting point for the fulfillment of the world civilization in this generation, is meant to correlate the global growth of the unity of science. When we in our book of peace of 1986 suggested 10 ministries for the Capital City of the World and the 10 halls of the dome of peace, we new the co-coordinating functioning which was natural to give these Ministries of a non-political organization It is a great joy to state that these Ministries also is going to be the ministries of Global Land or Environmental Cities and where governmental representatives of close countries may be Ministers. The Governmental functioning of environmental cities or even embassy buildings is shared with all other countries in a union, so no police, military, etc. is needed. They only act according to law and court decisions of course. The 10 ministries suggested are updated: Ministry of Wholeness represents the global voice of conscience or pure, non-political world democracy and the wholeness of the world, universe and World Constitution of our enterprise. Ministry of Capitol of the Universe represents global land and embassy areas wherever established Ministry of Affluence through program of guaranteed satisfaction of natural needs represents New Fundamental Economical World Order Ministry of Multi/Inter national organizations, represents our own foundations around the world and co-operation with other organizations as we are inviting all humanitarian organizations, World Bank, G8 etc to join our initiative to end the war against humanity, now! Ministry of World Government represents co-operation with governments as now possible with Global Bank, environmental cities and embassy land invitations, environmental cities or global land in union with nations of the world etc. Ministry of (Educational, scientific and cultural development) New Fundamental Information, Communication, Research and Education Order with Global Bank and Intranet initiative, the Library of the Unity of Science, Peace Faculties of Comparative Research Study, which we invite all universities and libraries to open in cooperation with us, etc Ministry of Spiritual, Physical, Psychophysical, Psychological and Sociological Development basically organizes reference centers for everything related to health on all levels of live. Ministry of Enlightenment represents co-ordination of art and modern communication in the role of education as movies; videos etc. and also aspire to organize inspiration of the religions of the world as in relation to duty. Ministry of our Family of Nations represents respect for national integrity and independence, culture and government when integrating the values of world union. Ministry of (Celebration and Fulfillment) Classic Culture Celebration Congresses celebrates the growing waves of fulfillment of the unification of world society around the world around the year. If a country gives land to an environmental city of global land, the new global land is not lost, while it is in union with the giving country which also may have many ministers in the 10 Ministries. It may uphold police and military functioning alone by law so it is no new danger, however international courts and military powers of all lands may be a second safety factor and constitute an environmental, military force against pollution. The country giving global land may also enjoy stocks in the companies to be established and the people of its country may have first priority for jobs and enjoy voting capacity limited by the 51% shares to be owned by World Peace fund on behalf of the enterprise. We now by project to build climate floating cities and tax free paradise for climate stock companies have 108 Ministries of the city government and perhaps for the Capital City of the World, too, combining! Theme of Day 7 of the week is congress classic culture celebration
and fulfillment. We have also established Club Classic Culture Celebration to integrate and purify all cultural traditions in one new. Another aspect is World Capital as a living global museum. And of course the seventh day represents the wholeness of the enterprise, celebrating the fulfillment of the week as a powerful momentum of progress. In 86 we inaugurated Together for Peace with seasonal celebration by quarterly weeks as theme. Universitas Year we enjoyed both in 1980 and 1981 with one quarter of the year for each of the seven themes following the inauguration. The theme of these 2 years and the coming 7 was developing the theoretical aspect of the science of wholeness, known as the 7 themes of Universitas Week, a model for the university integration of the scientific enterprise. The Universal Year for the Philosophy of Science, (1982) We inaugurated the second university year for the theme of the first day of the week: The Philosophy of the Science of Wholeness in relation to intelligence of man and the multiple universe, psychophysiology, consciousness, knowledge and the unity of science. The lively potentiality of the science of wholeness enterprise was expressed. The University Year for the Unity of Science (1983) was inaugurated in Oslo during Universitas Week, January 1983. The first expression of pure intelligence, the pure structure of science as the foundation for the unity of science in its diversity, is here related to the universities and independent faculties of the library of the Unity of Science. Registering abstracts from all fields of science and knowledge found in the innumerable books, magazines etc. of the libraries of the world coherently, for the process of referring comparative research study, to reflect the unity of science in the first institute and second theme of the week, was the theme of development this year. The University Year for the Role of Science in Creating an Ideal World Society (1984) was inaugurated winter solstice December 1983 in Trondheim, Norway. Comparative Research Study related to society, the individual and developing world is the role of the second institute and third theme of the week and was the focus of the year, while knowledge of the laws of nature is structured in the life and consciousness of man and by integration of science and Know how in the developing world society through people. The University Year for the Universal and Unifying Principles of Science (1985) The third institute and the theme of day 4 of the week and of this year is analyzing the universal laws of nature and their expressions in the process of development, growth and evolution and is integrated in this focus of attention and comparative research study. First in the process of comparative research study we deals with the structure of the field of study or object of inquiry, pieces of information, then with how science is structured and expressed in the consciousness, evolution and life of man and here with the mode of activity, the patterns of chance and the source, course, range, steps and goal of all fields of evolution or aspects of science and knowledge in general. The University Year for the Global and Coherent Integration of Science (1986) Creating optimal coherence and correlation of sciences and the pieces of information was the theme of the year, and 5th theme of the week. Any scientific focus integrates many fields of science or pieces of information, often from many areas of specialization. In reality, there exist no boundaries between the disciplines or they are invisible. Adding comprehension and systematic overview from the point of view of different levels of wholeness is to be referred in the first institute as part of the process of comparative research study. We also initiated the movement Together for Peace and arranged seasonal celebrations in Trondheim and Oslo at chance of season. Lecture by Mr. Andersen and harp Concert by Willy Postma was given at Ringve Museum Trondheim Spring Equinox and at exact time for chance of season summer solstice, a concert with the bells of the Nidaros Cathedral. With seasonal celebrations around the world we also added values to United Nations International Year of Peace, (1986) and we were most grateful for the responds from the UN peace secretariat in New York and Australia! This was the beginning of Classic Culture
Celebration tradition and also the idea of together for peace with an invitation to all humanitarian and environmental organizations, UN, World Bank etc. to go together removing from the face of earth the most serious problems as world hunger, refugee problems etc., now possible in a few weeks time! The Year for the Scientific and Cultural Enterprise to build the Capital City of the World as a Global University and Cultural Meeting point for the Fulfillment of World Civilization (1987) The integration of science is meant to be decentralized with different reference canters many places and by the knowledge of the individual participant. However organizing one global University City, world Capital City, representing the unification of knowledge and world society is here beautifully expressed in the theme of the year, 6th theme of the week. A Capital City also with printed archives of the entire library, which exist also around the world, is unifying for world society! All governments are welcomed to compete about giving away the best land for Capital City or an environmental city. We may build it as a floating island as well. Year of Celebration and Fulfillment (1988) The first fulfillment of Universitas Week by the well received and completely presented science of wholeness was celebrated this year. Celebration and fulfillment, being the theme of the last day of Universitas Week, is representing the whole of the week and this year the expressions of fulfillment of the science of wholeness, well founded. Then we established Global Co-coordinating Week (operation duty week) representing the practical aspect of the science of wholeness enterprise and we enjoyed 7 years for the practical aspects of each of the 7 themes of Universitas week: Universitas Year for the Philosophy of the Unity of Science (1989) Science itself represents a universal principle of life or a systematic, orderly, practical and reliable technique to understand the world and develop society. The science of wholeness is the fulfillment of the unifying and universal character of science, growing into the unity of science and manifesting itself as the science of wholeness enterprise, to unify world society by the process of integrating science in world development. Our powerful momentum of progress and development, fulfilling for world society was established from the philosophy of pure intelligence, unifying science so the acceleration of world progress by the process of integrating science in world society through the individuals represents unification of science to the unification world society. Universitas Year for the Encyclopedia of the Unity of Science (1990) The encyclopedia of scientific concepts unifying science as the expression of the pure philosophy was the theme of the year and is the theme of day one of the week of the practical aspect of our fulfillment of science. As the Referring Institute of Comparative Research Study focuses on registering all knowledge and information possible, the role it has in the enterprise, is being the library of the unity of science. Universitas Year for the Library of the Unity of Science (1991) The library is the name of the reference centre of our science of wholeness faculties of comparative research study seen as a whole and a quality of our Independent University Foundation! We hope to establish 3 networks of super-computers related to the potential of Internet, but with easier access by one of them, while the 2 others is just witnessing and registering what is going on. Each person has his own library section; email organization so well established that juridical binding letters can be sent, as a routine. The library should be a reference centre for anything and organized scientifically. The president of USA is co-operating with universities to make Internet functioning 5000 times faster, however, it still is unbelievable slow, because it is related to so much uncertainty and disorderly and unreliable information, compared to what one seeks or a scientific reference centre of the Library of the Unity of Science of the Science of Wholeness Enterprise and the Peace Faculty of Comparative Research Study Scandinavia, represents. Universitas Year for the Universal Principles of the Library of the Unity of Science (1992) Analyzing the object of study from the point of view of the principles, patterns of understanding and development giving the key to correlating the pieces of information
from all over the world, is the practical aspect of the 4th theme of both theoretical and practical aspects and weeks. The universal principles of science represents also the value of what is good for living a simple and good life as an individual, family member and citizen of a country and the world and what values promote good health from the individual level up to world society. The theme of New Fundamental Human Right and Duty is a focus here, as the third theme of the week. Universitas Year for the Global Correlation of the Library of the Unity of Science (1993) University means turning information and knowledge into one whole and our enterprise is welcoming all individuals and universities to go together unifying all knowledge into one dynamic process of comparative research study, our global university, of course in respect for the integrity of each university and the independence of the individual. Gathering information so each object of study can be seen in different wholeness of relevance for comprehending the piece of information in relation to knowledge as a whole as well as its role in world society and by integration, unification of society, is the focus here. Universitas Year for the Global University of a New Order of University Co-operation Fulfilling Science (1994) Every citizen of world society we invite to contribute to and uphold and develop our reference centre and therefore give the world a New Fundamental Information, Communication, Research and Education Order. As the science of wholeness theoretically fulfils science in itself by philosophy, structure of comparative research study, unifying principles and by focusing the light of science on itself, its role in relation to the individual and society or its integration of science, a foundation for new waves of fulfillment of science by the acceleration of the revolution of science is given as its practical aspect. New Fundamental Global Order means also New Fundamental Information, Communication, Education and Research Order based on global comparative research study, but also New Fundamental Economical World Order (a free minimum of housing, clothing and food for everyone joining in New Fundamental Human Right and Duty -global universal co-operation some hours now and then) and the Global Voice of Conscience by the Constitution of World Democracy (non-political) to govern and protect the universal cooperation by a system far more advanced than Internet. We plans three independent networks of super computer where the first is communicating with something like Internet for everyone and the 2 others is just witnessing and registering what is going on in the first. It also represents a cultural enterprise, but more like celebrating the growing unification of world society or the universal and Royal Principle of World Peace. We consider it as every member of world societies human right to enjoy the stability, independence and freedom of the referred values as a foundation for individual and global progress, growth and development, as well as a duty to uphold a non-political, non-religious and non-profit new fundamental global order, to give these values by a few hours a week, participation in order not to be the reason of others bad economy, environment, food, etc. The global and growing integration of world society "demands" a new responsibility so when enjoying the fruits of civilization, we are not damaging that right for others! Universities Year of Celebration and Fulfillment (1995 or / and Year 0, - we inaugurated the year as a scientific reference year for the Library of the Unity of Science and all other years of different cultures and countries, and thereby we fulfilled our universal tradition of years. We have been innocent and holistic when thinking in a global perspective creating the simplest and most obvious ideas for world development, - it is strange that they already is not a integral part of world society, just as in this scientific age, it is strange that we still have world hunger, world problems with so much technology and so many good willing individuals. World development has been a story about isolated growth in many isolated areas and in isolated countries without any consideration of the created imbalances seen from development of society as a whole, no unifying scientific foundation existed. However, by transcending the marked mechanisms, differences of politics etc. where these problems is developing, we have offered the world and
each and one an opportunity to, by a systematic and scientific enterprise, to share the challenge by everybody's participation in global and universal co-operation of the science of wholeness enterprise! Universitas Year 1 ("1996") inaugurated in Norway Spring equinox March 1996, - we welcome co-operation for developing cross references between existing years of different traditions as well as reference year from point of view of world history. The universal year goes from spring equinox (point of view Norway) to spring equinox a year later, - that time if the year where night and day is equal around the world. Universitas Year 2 ("1997, 3 last quarters + 1 quarter of 1998") inaugurated in Trondheim, Norway spring equinox 1997 as Universitas Year 2, our universal and global reference year of the Library of the Unity of Science. Universitas Year 3, inauguration 20th of March 20.55 1998 Norwegian time, exact time for chance of season; spring equinox. This day or 24 hours from the chancing time is also celebrated as The Citizen Independence Day. The year has number of days by each of the 4 quarters, supposed to start with Universitas / Global Cocoordinating Week, for everyone. Each quarter gives a new scientific reference day and time, starting with 00.00 at the chance of season and lasting about 90 days or one quarter. In the reference centre of the year all citizens of world society is welcome to be registered with date of birth and individual post or bank number. Idea, to arrange tours Around the World in 8 Days to develop a global co-coordinating network, quarterly is given to share knowledge as well as to celebrate together by combining holiday and duty. Universitas Year 4 March 1999 Dedication of universitas Year Seven Year period Theme third + theme 4 Universitas Year 5 March 2000, The Year of Royal Unification of Word Society, Dedication of universitas Year Seven Year period Theme third + theme 5, Universitas Year 7 20 March 2001 Dedication of universitas Year Seven Year period Theme third + theme 6, the Capital City of the World + Human Institute of Comparative Research Study Universitas Faculty Universitas Year 8 20 March 2002 Dedication of universitas Year Seven Year period Theme third + theme 7 Universitas Year 9 20 March 2003 Dedication of universitas Year Seven Year period 4th Theme + theme 1 Universitas Year 10 20 March 2004 Dedication of universitas Year Seven Year period 4th Theme + theme 2 Universitas Year 11 20 March 2005 Dedication of universitas Year Seven Year period 4th Theme + theme 3 Universitas Year 12 20 March 2006 Dedication of universitas Year Seven Year period 4th Theme + theme 4 Universitas Year 13 20 March 2007 Dedication of universitas Year Seven Year period 4th Theme + theme 5 Universitas Year 14 20 March 2008 Dedication of universitas Year Seven Year period 4th Theme + theme 6 Universitas Year 15 20 March 2009 Dedication of universitas Year Seven Year period 4th Theme + theme 7 Universitas Year 16 20 March 2010 Dedication of universitas Year Seven Year period 5th Theme + theme 1 Universitas Year 17 20 March 2011, Year 17 of the Golden Age of Enlightenment, Dedication of universitas Year Seven Year period 4th Theme + theme 2 Universitas Year 18 20 March 2012 Dedication of universitas Year Seven Year period 4th Theme + theme 3
niversitas Week was the original concept of the science of wholeness with 7 themes celebrated January February 1980. Theme 1. The philosophy of the science of wholeness, the unity of science based on the Latin root of the word university, Universitas, meaning turned into one whole. The philosophy is easy, mans intelligence is the same as the intelligence expressed in the laws of nature of the universe and therefore man has ability to see and understand
and reflect the same intelligence in his own understanding and action. The Union of World Experience is also in our latest global integrity logo found. The intelligence expressed in the circle and square is the same by exact relationship verified by the 9 triangles obviously also must hast have same intelligence and easily seen by man as expressed in the yantra! This union of mans and surrounding natures intelligence turned into one whole is the philosophy and first theme of universitas week. The week is also meant for universities celebration when opening their Climate Library of Integrated Growth. Theme 2. Universitas Faculty of Comparative Research Study, which the climate library only represents one focused aspect of, by the first of 4 institutes is theme 2-5. Theme 2 the Referring Institute of Comparative Research Study, the reference centres of the library of the unity of science. Theme 3. is the second institute, the Human Institute of Comparative Research Study, cover awareness of integration of knowledge related to human values, here pollution is just an example! Theme 4. third institute, the Analyzing Institute of Comparative Research Study, and the institutes are covered in the book The Revolution of Science ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE UNITY OF SCIENCE Together for Peace published 1986, 10 000 copies and also available in digital version by DVD books! Theme 5. fourth institute of the faculty, The Synthesizing Institute of Comparative Research Study Theme 6. the project to build a physical expression of the global union and meeting point for the role of unifying science, universities, schools etc. as well as representing our common homeland. This project to build a capital city of the world also have preliminary project to build new nations as floating cities but also welcoming all nations to give some lend to global land union, in order to uphold independence of unifying action. Theme 7. Celebration and integrity and fulfillment, represents celebrations as that of Spring Equinox Norway as the independence Day of the Individual Person, The Day of Global Integrity, but may also represents free and decent celebrations with social control of organizations, drugs or alcohol, music and entertainment etc. Free celebrations are the only real celebrations and are based on the respect for the independence of the individual. Celebrations are often associated therefore with champagne and the British high society for more than a hundred year ago, owing to the respect of independence they enjoyed by the community. It is possible to realize global integrity by high society celebrations and we plan the global climate voting question celebration, one celebration by those saying yes to one climate question, among the most important questions in the world, welcoming others to join in celebrating the yes campaign, too. Owing to the tendency to abuse celebrations in society, establishing standardized routines by codes of honor is a challenge as those giving a celebration must communicate respect of that integrity, respect of those celebrating, as when others is arranging for them likewise respect and distance is given. An organizing where people are arranging for each other is composed so to say and we welcome one and all to join in. It is interesting that the classical Indian philosophy of the observer, process of observation and the observed as the union of world experience by the yantra, is close to the universtias philosophy of the science of wholeness, theme one Universitas Week and that the subtle level of union, pure trace dental intelligence may be covered by quantum physics understanding of the vacuum state!
The Declaration of World Constitution of Our Global Homeland, New Fundamental Human Right and Duty and / or the infrastructure of global integrity New Fundamental Global Order with the
Global Voice of Conscience, non political world democracy by this our constitution of global integrity.
This represents universal values of upholding global co-operation between citizens to ensure the freedom and independence of the individual, the people of the world. The universal law of global cooperation between citizens of the world to uphold a global safety net for all, was developed during the eighties and formulated by these articles during the nineties by several independent and humanitarian foundations as Independent University Foundation and Universitas Week established January 1980 by the founder of the science of wholeness, Rajananand Dhananjaya, then known as Stein Roar Andersen (up to 2004). The Constitution represents only universal acceptable values as free a minimum of food, clothing and housing, free information, free participation in pure, non-political democracy and cultural expressions of the unification of world society. That it is non-political means that all participating in the co-operation is equal to everyone else, the values shared are a free minimum and no one decides what others should do. The democracy is communication also in how to participate in the minimum of universal co-operation to receive or produce these values and finally the defined values as presented in the following is the only values to be produced; the cooperation is not going to serve any other interests than the defined, common universal values.
The government of the universal co-operation is more like everyone communicating how to share responsibility for what priority of action they want to uphold, strictly within the area of universal co-operation, one is upholding as an independent, global system, not competing with anyone or to be taken to represent any other interest than those defined as universal global responsibility of the Science of Wholeness Enterprise. The independence of the individual is the freedom of the universal co-operation, independence from others opinions as well, and of course a minimum of housing, clothing and food as New Fundamental Economical World Order, adds the dignity of freedom, too. If this is produced by universal co-operation or a minimum income is given by the global digital currency of World Peace Fund’s World Peace Bank / The Global Bank to give everyone free a minimum income, is still to be seen and is work in progress, applications under consideration. As any Constitution, the purpose is to establish the universally acceptable principles and to protect the organization and its members for abuse of corrupt representation of the whole, here world society in universal co-operation.
The Global Voice of Conscience, The Constitution of New Fundamental Global Order World Constitution
Article 1 The freedom and independence of the world is founded by the freedom and independence of the individual. This global freedom is based on everyone's respect for the foundation of everyone's fundamental human right(s) to enjoy a minimum of normal, pure and healthy food and water, a free personal place to stay and live and free access to the knowledge needed to be well educated, know the paths of right action and responsibilities (human duties) to achieve success in life. The fulfilment of this human right, global freedom can only be by most people partici
pating in a universal system of sharing these values and information of how not to be damaging others freedom. This new fundamental human right and duty is a non-political, non-religious, - a non-violence global universal co-operation without corruption or other goals than those of upholding this new foundation for peace and harmony, freedom, achievements, growth and development, fulfilling for the individual and society on all levels. The Royal Principle of World Peace; that all of us living on this beautiful planet of ours must stay and grow together, achieve fulfilment together is based on adding this new foundation to world society outside the differences of economy, military, politics, intellectual understanding, religion etc. New Fundamental Human Right and Duty represents that we together uphold global, universal cooperation to give 4 values alone: New Fundamental Economical World Order, a minimum of housing, clothing and food free for those joining in first, when established everywhere, for everyone. New Fundamental Information, Communication, Research and Education Order (a common library of the Unity of Science, available for everyone by the Science of Wholeness Enterprise and Peace Faculties of Comparative Research Study to be independently established by the co-ordination of universal co-operation. The Global Voice of Conscience, pure and global democracy or communication by this book as well as: The Revolution of Science ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF THE UNITY OF SCIENCE Together for Peace (86) by Stein Roar Andersen. He introduces this Science of Wholeness Enterprise and its scientific principles as the basis of global integration and unification, - a universal and independent organization of global, pure co-operation to govern in freedom how everyone choose to join in within the simplest realization of these common and universal goals of mankind and foundation for the fulfilment of world civilization. World opinion can be expressed as a guide for governments and others. Classic Culture Celebration with the capital city of the world (World Capital) as a cultural meeting point for the fulfilment of world society, classic culture, a new tradition to integrate and purify all classical traditions of the world and celebrations to enjoy global unification around the year, around the world. Rajananand Dhananjaya as the founder and knower of reality are given a royal position to protect the enterprise unto world democracy governs; title Maharaja or Rajan of the World. Maharaja / Rajan indicates a royal position and initiative given by the challenge of time and the responsibility of seeing the opportunity and duty, but is just an example of the role of the individual in world society, by position and universal responsibility and means, king, the one for the whole world! (As a name however, of course it is a used name by many and consider just a life supporting sound!) As example of the majestic position of the individual, but Stein Roar Andersen / Rajananand Dhananjaya is also representing within the co-ordination and pure democracy everyone by number which is not yet partaking in the democracy. He enjoys all those votes when decisions are taken by the democracy! Anyone can join in without changing society, culture etc. as such, we just want to add the freedom of the individual and his opportunities to integrate the best of knowledge in the development of society. Its co-coordinating functioning is non-political and upholds a co-coordinating organization within universal development of a global co-coordinating network of free individuals. This was the preliminary edition of article one of 5 of the universal law of global co-operation; World Constitution, still so complete that
you can relate to it as the foundation for global, universal cooperation.
Article 2 To uphold global, universal co-operation accordingly everyone is welcome to join in as a co-coordinator equal to any other co-ordinator, representing his pure position as co-ordinator and no other interests of his own, or others, a business, etc. - except those interest refereed in the library of the unity of science, where any "books" or information can be a part of the reference centre. All co-ordinating activity should be given priorities in relation to developing the foundation of freedom as a whole and as Universities week program. When first priorities as far as possible are fulfilled there is possible to choose how to join in by new fundamental human right and duty within the scientific and cultural enterprise as a whole. Before global realisation at least 1/3 of the time and resources should be dedicated to growth, welcoming new citizens to join in as co-ordinators as everyone else and preparing this as an opportunity according to both new fundamental human duty and right and coordinator is the main functioning of the democracy, functioning voting. The reference centre is there so everyone can define activities according to priorities and choose how to join in according to the system of communication presented at page 42-49 in the book The Revolution of Science ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF THE UNITY OF SCIENCE. (#)
As founder, Rajananand is the only one by his royal position to decide any other activities than the universal co-operation in order to initiate and accelerate the growth of participants to realise a true world democracy by most citizens of world society. This may include establishing Ltds but of course with at least 50% of the shares by World Peace Fund and with 10-20 years profit potential, but still not giving away that the co-operation is growing towards complete freedom, for instance free information for citizens by the Library of the Unity of Science, while Ltds might develop subscriptions now costing 1200 $ and so at least for 10 years with compensation and possibilities for earning a basic subscription for persons in countries where the amount is a "fortune" or difficult by joining the week program alone. No one other than Rajananand or later by world democracy of 90% of world population should enjoy this right to decide agreements to reach everyone as soon as possible. Rajananand can do so either as President of World Peace Fund (independent charity foundation and administration of the promotion of the enterprise of Independent University Foundation) or private by royal position, of course within the truth: the enterprise belongs to the world, by Rajananand's and others gift to mankind and by this constitution and others contributions.
Article 3 The world citizens uphold legislative power by giving direction to the universal co-operation and when most citizens stay together (90%) laws can be given, for instance to control the freedom and independence of the library of the unity of science as reference centre, in as many ways as possible, standards for a minimum of clothing, housing or food or global money and bank, how to uphold democracy in its purest form etc. One question is that global democracy should not interfere with national integrity, however, the reference centre might both be used for national election as well as debate even presenting pure national democracy for the Global Land of Environmental Cities if developed.
Everyone's participation is expected to be free, without personal involvement except for co-ordinating duties, because the global goals are universal and non political founded as the science of wholeness enterprise and this is the interest of the union of world society, whit protection of the interests of the individual in this cooperation. The co-operation is based on the simplest possible participation in universal co-operation. If someone intend to take a path outside the simplest without mistakes, by the reference centre, laws can be given to protect the universal co-operation from being involved and the integrity of those joining in, their interest in not being represented by anything but the universal cooperation, with no other than the defined universally acceptable goals, rules or laws and co-operation of this Constitution.
Article 4 Judging whether there exists disagreement of the freedom and integrity concerning other interests than those of universal co-operation within the co-ordinating network, is done by a sufficient number making it a first priority for everyone on the local, national or global level as a question for global democracy to consider within the duty hours where everyone can register their opinion. If someone demands that a question of co-ordination should be considered by the democracy as something competing with the purity and one pointed growth towards the goals of universal co-operation, then the questioned activity must stop unto accepted by 95% on a global level if it is a principle of the activity which is a question of not harmonizing with established activities, unless decided by the royal position of the founder, not to be shared by anyone else. All questions of such doubt of new activities established anyone can raise questions about in a reference centre for the democracy within our library and published by the reference centre as network communication. Laws should be agreed to regulate this on all steps of development in order to protect the purity and freedom of the minimum acceptable principles of the co-ordination to grow, achieve progress and enjoy fulfilment together. FREEDOM TO DO WHATEVER NATURAL STEPS OF PROGRESS REPRESENTS AND FROM HAVING TO UPHOLD NOTHING BUT A MINIMUM ACTIVITIES OF NEW FUNDAMENTAL GLOBAL ORDER is everyone's right to protect as a common safety net for all, as a co-ordinator, defender of world peace. We are not speaking of application of the reference centre for any purpose organized as basic subscription and editor functioning, everyone can enjoy by the library of the Unity of Science and the Global Times subscription business, which is a free information system for the purposes of those using it. When The Global Times is a business organization where any business may freely compete, contributions to the library of the unity of science is free and ours, however, taking money for organizing access to the information is what the business is reduced to and to be regulated by companies as suggested! However laws must be integrated, for instance, pictures of a free reference centre must be by those in a picture giving acceptance to reproduction perhaps and communication against good standards of common sense as violent pornography, must be balanced by laws or by discrimination to uphold freedom also from others impurities and in respect for everyone!
Article 5 These articles are not to be changed in order to protect the freedom of the participant from creating anything than that which is agreed upon, so his participation is not abused to serve
other interests. This also to safeguard the independence and universal foundation for world democracy, peace and fulfilment so it is universally acceptable. No new direction to activity must be given unless 99% of world population is behind it in freedom or Rajananand as a knower of reality can include it according to the spirit and principles of the enterprise as a whole. Any disagreeable or questionable activity is everyone's duty to report to the reference centre and co-ordinating unit with responsibility for presenting questions for the Global Voice of Conscience to give guidance in direction of global freedom. No one should have any decision making position other than that of a co-ordinator, but founder Rajananand. Welcoming others by Universities week arrangement, subscriptions, etc. is a first priority activity. Unifying world society is a royal approach and the royal we, everyone is welcome to enjoy by the Royal Principle of World Peace and as we are travelling around the sun. In the explosion of information as Internet, TV etc. the Library of the Unity of Science controlled by the global democracy can ensure reliability and freedom in this vital foundation for world development, exploded as "the information age" without democratic and science of wholeness principles that is up to date as this Constitution. Global Land everywhere either by this Constitution or partly by suggested national union constitutions (own countries with constitution perhaps like that of Norway) to solve national problems around the world could be integrated in the Constitutions domain of non-political values of our global homeland if everyone agrees and/or Rajananand finds it an acceptable agreement. Of all references of the library there should be routines for control beyond doubt both by computer routines and by regular duty check by everyone and written archives/library. We suggest 3 independent levels of supercomputers to control and register everything within Global Intranet as fulfilment of the potential of Internet. Democratic control is advised by groups of 1008 persons controlling collectively by meetings written references by the participation in the democracy and reference centre of the members of the group and how this is registered by all groups of 1008 Each group of 1008 citizen of the world unit is dived in 9 groups of 108 + 36 persons divided in groups of 4 one for each of the 9 groups of 108, and the 4 have one 5th person and leader, elected within and by the group of 108. 28 groups of 36 gives a union of 28 groups of 1008 citizen of the world units and this is repeated within the new units of represent citizen of the world units to give only 7-8 new groups which may meet together in order to uphold democratic control of everything by personal checking alone. The different positions are shared with systems of control by random and are different each time. Personal and democratic control of information on all levels is most important The representatives should chance so all may become one from time to time in a new group of 1008 with the same system. There was suggested another organization, but the principle is above and the same here! These for systematic democratic control by checking routines also to be upheld by all. We suggest building one house or environmental city with 1008 rooms, one room for each citizen, which the citizen of the group owns as a second, third or first home and have land producing food for these persons by universal co-operation as a seat for the persons role in the democracy of the world. Democratic control meetings may be arranged together with a festival and take perhaps 2 hours a month! There should be written archives all over
the world and also by each co-ordinator for everything on computer with free access for everyone, checking what he found in the computer reference centre or by personal contact, regularly and in order to ensure that no organization are chancing or controlling anything, which is very important to be aware of as a danger of corruption with huge national organization, multinational concerns etc. Everyone wanting to add should within universal cooperation have 4 witnesses upholding their own archives with this assistance as duty and other matters to be regularly controlled by routines on the local and global level, so in no tricky way it should be possible to abuse the reference centre from any point of view. This above is the second preliminary constitution to be perfected and protected, preliminary but unchangeable unto 90% of world population verify or chance it as educated co-ordinators after upholding the order a few years!
Golden Global Times Global Climate Voting of the Rescue Our World Operation and The Global Voice of conscience
How about you, would you favour by global voting that the climate fund get responsibility for energy production to transform the energy situation into a life supporting organisation not damaging the environment, our world and at the same time balances the imbalances created by oil. The price of energy would not change in the beginning owing to transformation costs, but later becomes more inexpensive owing to mass production worldwide economical benefits. However, most people must join in investing 2 hours a day in a climate fund stock company as good saving but as a start voluntary free work as inspiring at least 4 others as soon as possible to do the same: that is answering the question of global climate voting, communicating willingness to support the economic growth of the world by 2 hours a day, 12 hours a week for some time by our common world defence and most important at this stage inspire 4 new to do the same by family or close friends only. If most people in the world, one and all, said yes and promoted the operation within a week to 4 others, a few months only to enjoy our common world defence infrastructure of global integrity. But do the world need to be saved by you; in order to have a hero we must have an enemy a situation we need to be rescued from. Indeed, the climate change is not something happening in 10 years time or becomes serious during the next 50 years. Climate change as immediate danger for the whole world is already here, as the UN climate panel of scientists states the greenhousegass concentration of CO2 is man made and the climate change problem registered by 0,8 degrees Celsius increased world temperature and increased sea level, as well as acid sea as the concentration of CO2 in the ocean as increased as well as in the atmosphere. The concentration of gasses in the atmosphere makes the heating of the world by the sun stronger, but the problem by real common sense seems worse than what governments relates to of facts. The usual escape from the problem is that if we gradually reduce pollution of the world during toe next decades, the temperature will decrease. One do wants a reduction to avoid sea level rise, extreme weather and extreme problems which may
follow the climate change. But the problem is already here the accumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere already have happened, and the situation becomes worse even if we pollute more in the world than before, and in fact all new pollution is adding to the problem or terrible situation of imbalance already here. This fact, verified by UN stating that the concentration of gasses is the reason for the changes, that the concentration is pulling the changes, is the reason for the phenomenon being accelerating the climate change year after year, where scientists does not understand why it is accelerating. But we must as a safety matter not risking Russian roulette with the future of mankind and the children of the world, must be consider to be a situation where the pulling of the changes by the strong concentration, is stronger than the measured effect of plus 0,8 degrees Celsius. The temperature change measured depends on the temperature in the sea, as in Scandinavia the temperature depends on the Gulf Stream in the North Sea. The world ocean has lost more than one million sq km of ice during the last years and when the temperature of the water is held down by the ice cubes so to say, the measured air temperature is less than the real balance set by the climate gas concentration balance. Together with ice on top of the sea disappearing and ice melting around the world effecting mostly the top 50 m of the sea in this calculation, it also takes time to heat the deep ocean effecting the top 50 meters from the bottom and the >Gulf stream going down deep has increased temperature 2 degrees Celsius during the 2 last decades scientists have found, and in reaction to 2000 years back in time, a real new change! If the sea temperature represents 2-3 degrees higher temperature by studies of passed balances this may result in a sudden raise of sea level with 5 meters as a start for instance by new extreme weather rainfall hitting the poles, cutting up the ice as by Larsen B the ice island with the size of France disappearing in few weeks. Both by the world ocean streams feeding oxygen production being disturbed by the change and owing to CO2 concentration in the sea with acid effect destroying the life in the sea, oxygen production may be reduced and we all needs to breath. The risk pattern is real by the changes of the world already there and ignoring the need to be decent and act at once may be said to be terrorism against mankind, the opposite of the hero the world need. People enjoy heroism in the cinema and even if the indifference of people or mentality is the problem, the changes should have been stopped in last millennium, it is hope as soon as people see the need to act and have the opportunity by our common world defence! So the world really needs to be saved by you. Of course when most people of the world is going together about something, it must be a real common interest, and our common world defence organises the rescue operation in such a way that what is to be done is what we best must do anyhow, climate change or not. Such as producing abundance of food to all, not only to reduce CO2 concentration, and forests to achieve materials as by fast growing bamboo, guaranteed minimum income to all for everyone’s economic independence by non political world democracy giving democratic control of the infrastructure of world peace and global integrity, producing many times the energy the world uses today as it is needed, the oil is to valuable to be burned, etc. The concept Integrated Growth represents not only the opposite of isolated growth on the cost of the whole and the environment by isolated interests, it also represents integrating
Moe values and interests in growth than one or 2 isolated interests and combining many interests with the best combinations of technology integrated in the development as well.50 000 children dies every day according to statistic of poverty or world economy most people participate in as an unfair game, stopping that is part of the challenge too, so one day sooner action is important, not only because we are probably beyond the destruction of the world tipping balance of climate gas concentration, that is the world is in the same situation when Titanic hit the ice, as sea ice is hit to day by malting. A sudden change may come resulting in total destruction of the balances of the environment, resulting in collapse of world economy as in Japan today where the sea level rise hit together with damage of infrastructure as atomic energy production and earth quake destructions. If during the next weeks the world economy collapses the world is in no shape to combat climate change and as military would have problems with upholding themselves as well and of course with dangers of military turning into war and destroyers of the world by robbing and seeking of own interests as a powerful group of people. The operation rescue the world, of course plans to produce twice as much energy as today or even much more than that, mostly by sea by 2 km long climate ships with updraft towers and wind and solar energy. We also produce fresh water for the use of the ship as a climate city, and a 100 000 such cities and climate ships are planned built also with factories for the production of electrical cars and plans and what makes houses self-sufficient with production of pure energy. 10 000 persons on each ship and 100 000 ships gives 1 000 000 000 and there are that many seeking such a part time job by the ships as new floating nations and tax paradises, too. A good salary to all by economy of India and short specialized education for the task to done, is possible, only by taking over the oil economy gives money enough for these salaries for one billion persons and the oil industry may be said to be upholding terrorism against humanity, but may be offered business opportunities by establishing climate fund stock companies, too and of course producing plastic for tubes and new jobs by climate change industries. The extraordinary situation with need for common global integrated action, now, does not mean that we have to go back in time or become poor or something, it is just more intelligent and well adjusted action and daily living which is the key, as becoming a vegetarian is climate friendly but also better for your health, having a family car as an airplane landing and take of as a helicopter and safer than today’s cars, is a better adaption to the need of transport by electrical engines. Or as collective transport you just push the button and a satellite locate your position within a minute or 2 a plane is landing where a single coupe is reserved with computer, screen for TV, and mini kitchen by the peace and quite and privacy of a looked single coupe, so the music may be turned up by head phones if you like! Than taken faster and more comfortable without the noise and shaking of engines of today, to the bus stop you want or perhaps to your location, as the bus transports only 20 persons, so it becomes faster and probably more inexpensive than today. All run by computers with a person there watching ready to take control if a situation occurs and where the wings a parachutes, so falling down crashing is not an option! Tube transport London New York 2 hours may be combined with energy production at sea, just to state that integrated growth means a better world. Owing to
universities focusing on isolated disciplines, politics and world economy governed by the survival of isolated economic interests, the world is decades behind in development compared to what is could have been as by efficient use of the computer. The fulfilment of the potential of internet and communication is best organised as our Integritynet planned realized to as the most obvious way to organise it when the interest of the people of the world, you and me, is met, not the interest of getting money from the marked by isolated businesses. Integrated growth of course integrates the challenges of balancing the bad effects of climate change and start reversing the situation back to normal. Using a million sq km of incoming sunshine to produce energy and fresh water for farming and new forests, may balance the increased heating by half a degree Celsius, but a balance already perhaps 5 degrees in imbalance by present greenhouse gas concentration (thermostat) so using the updraft towers of the climate ship to let out steam producing clouds over the ocean, have the effect of reducing the heating of the ocean in 2 ways, being a blanket stopping the heating of the sun and taking hot air from the surface up say km where it is colder by the updraft tower, a tall tube where air is heated and therefore sucked out on top where the air is colder. Stem by mirrors or aluminium foil heating of water by solar energy or use of lenses, is added to the tube, giving fresh water from salt water and clouds and energy by the updraft tower production from the strong wind blowing up the tube! Wind energy 2 km up may be added to the tower energy production at sea level where the air is sucked in as well by mechanically adding speed to the wind blowing up the tower! There are 50 000 polluting transport ships today and when a hundred thousand climate ships takes over they may pull containerships of today by pure energy as transporting people travelling around the world on cruise and by festival and university programs perhaps as well as 2 hours a day building the world of global integrity, transport of fresh water and new materials for building as bamboo is good, makes the ship busy with building the infrastructure of global integrity, still stock companies may accept transport of containers, giving good economy, but because the other ships is real terrible polluters. All airplane businesses may join in building climate fund stock companies and investing in them the building of their own new planes. Same for trains, old tracks is not allowing high speed owing to G forces for people, but if flat wagons are pulling a train of flying cars or busses, it can hold extreme speed sand not stop as those leaving on first stop is back in the train, the plane is just locking of and landing as a helicopter. New planes may join in being pulled in a train row above the first one! So here is balancing the heating reducing the heating of the world, transformation to pure energy both by energy production and changing to technology not burning oil presented and we have indicated how to reduce CO2 concentration. If by democratic control and the Climate University the development is well adjusted, perhaps climate gas concentration is good, it allows production of solar energy by many sq km of incoming sunlight, but there are dangers by sudden greenhouse gasses by metan concentrations around the world, which alone may sink the ship so to say by Titanic analogy, so best is coming back to normal by removing the CO2 pollution. Most people is responsible for CO2 destruction of the world and is in depth to the world, and we welcome people going together creating an organisation bigger than that one during a hundred years
which systematically have destroyed and polluted the world, to pay their depth. Producing food and forests where there today is desserts as green growth uses CO2, is eating CO2 may start reducing the imbalance as soon as one stop polluting completely. However, difficult it is coming back to normal, because rainforest is reduced, we a so many more people and cows and the concentration accumulated is big, also in the sea. Producing algae as planned for bio fuel, may eat CO2, produce hydrogen perhaps if possible to combine with first interest and then algae may be used as fertilizer for forests and food production, giving once more eating f CO2 and hopefully CO2 may be reduced in the ocean this way, by growing algae in tubs going many km into the dessert, several tubes inside each other, where one layer is used for steam production by solar energy giving energy to pump water into the dessert by the tubes, and fresh water rivers for food production, salt and algae must be filtered out and algae used as fertilizer. This use of algae seems like a good plan but if the adaptation is economically useful is not known, by good economy of the organisation of fresh water and energy production of the tubes, perhaps better alternatives are there, many combinations are known, here we just gives a vision of possibilities according to what must be done, what we must do, your New Fundamental Human Right and Duty and indeed, the opportunity to do something by our common world defence and global democratic control is an generous opportunity to raise above shame and depth! The destruction of the sea by acid CO2 is so damaging and such a risk that a fundraising campaign is established to meet the challenge itself, and perhaps so underwater chalk mountain may be blown up and pulverised mechanically and pushed into streams of the ocean and by cubic km of chalk give some preliminary balance, however best action is not found and those wanting to join in Rescue the World Ocean voluntary work is welcome to share the research tasks, build the network, do the fund raising etc. There are many challenges by voluntary free works of universal cooperation, however seeking to give economic compensation or good salaries of course is by the purpose of many people may do it as a full time job and that if people have 8 hours work perhaps all at where hey work do the same 2 hours a day, and 6 days by rest of the work where work place is cooperating to develop climate fund stock companies, too, that is building the world of global integrity we badly needs extremely fast. As an electrical car can go from 0-100 km an hour in no time, the change may go fast too. Electrical planes on electricity going long distances on batteries we have found solution to as well, by storing of energy and recharging batteries. We are talking about businesses and other working places cooperating investing 2 hours a day of their workers time in climate fund stock companies together with the employees investment, as a smart organisation for the business and the need for new jobs for many people and efficiency and more opportunities for business and change or schools universities, governmental offices etc. may also find integrated opportunities developing their own role and purpose in life. 2 hours a day may go for all in school as well as students role in creating their new job or job opportunities and if university cooperates be part of their role as student of the university perhaps by the Climate Library of Integrated Growth even though more practical tasks is important first! The game of world economy is already something most people participate in, as is the entertainment by TV, however, one single global operation uphold
by most people would be the most powerful thing we can do and by intelligent perfect application be most rewarding for one and all as wall, where the positive growth as a whole is much more worth than the individual salary we can achieve, not to compare the immediate need of removing the negative effect of pollution damaging the world. It is most important to uphold pure cooperation as the key to success meaning also that the common interest of all is the only purpose that cooperation is not taken to represent other interests than the universally acceptable purely common interest of one and all. Only this way all can cooperate with friend and enemies if there are any, or people of different religion, political view, military interests, intellectual understanding and so forth! World Constitution of Global Integrity and the non-political world democracy to uphold democratic control, is there to protect this, that only common interests is represented. This represents a difficult task and as the mentality of the world is the problem which is not only man made by still 12 years later so to say, still man uphold. But as the real interest of one and all is herby protected, we ask one and all to fight their tendency to promote other interests of their and fight their own indifference and if needed tendency to want the destruction of the world for purposes of holding people ransom which seems to be a general one by expectation of being paid sexually for instance. The sickness or social character structure of the world and as all is a mixture of bad and good, sickness and health, we hope one and all are able to fight by their own indifference and third world war and win growth of personal integrity or global integrity. Growing in global integrity, a man or woman of integrity does not mean that you have this sickness, but the world have the lack of integrity as the by-product of world economy is as presented 50 000 children dying every day as a modern Holocaust! When one is into world economy still healthy of young age perhaps, not understanding the sickness of the world, one may grow in integrity by rising above the damaging organisation involvement as also by CO2 pollution, one may create an organisation eating all the CO2 one have caused damage to the world with! The royal position of Rajananand as the founder and the protector of the integrity of the science of wholeness enterprise with our common world defence and operation safe the world, represents the world democracy unto realized by most people in the world and we welcomes one and all to join in building the network of the infrastructure of global integrity as fast as possible. Communicate interest to Rajanand and register 4 others doing the same witnessed by you is the 4.16.64... campaign which may reach around the world in few weeks, just because you are brave welcoming friends and family to share this mission of or operation of our common world defence! It is the define purpose of holding the cooperation pure so one and all can cooperate and to focus only n the common interests of one and all, which as the main principles of strategy is easy to understand and accept and universal common goal, but in practical life and uphold on all levels of science and understanding, it is really complicated, just as our Logo of Global Integrity integrating nicely the circle, square and 9 triangles, easy to see and enjoy, but it is really complicated! When the building of infrastructure is important, building business also by areas without profit in themselves as the Rescue World Ocean operation planning to add chalk to sea, perhaps or integrating any best technology or action found, there lies an opportunity in network building, where in
come is achieved more like a pyramid game, but being legally organised network selling. We really want dedicated people and intelligent persons with skills of value for rapid development, to work fulltime or part time more than some hours a week, so organising job opportunities are good. We even organise competitions as in chess, go, poker and gulf, where the cost of participation is baying stocks in a company, and where the winner enjoys position as president of the company with money to go further in the global tournaments covering participation, part time salary etc. and the economy f gambling may be put into such stock companies with climate fund business tasks too, as building a climate ship as the Las Megas as self-sufficient climate city environmentally friendly producing all its energy and food in desserts being centre for world championship of games as poker, go, chess and gulf, a climate ship with a garden large as a gulf field. As top winning award is the participation in the billionaire club, those joking the competition to become first by the group competing a billionaire with at least 12 000 000 000 NOK where at least 90% is invested in the climate fund stock companies and where the money earned is real wealth or artha which is the Sanskrit word. Anartha in Sanskrit, the opposite of wealth is owing to values as earned by illegal or polluting means, more like
e black money with unhealthy and bad influence on the owner. So a stah poker climate fund world championship competes further in the billionaire competition, which one may apply to join without such competition, too. First to achieve the goal and the qualities of accomplishment is criteria for winning the global billionaire championship. This is just one of 1008 stock companies of a climate ship, not any main focus of the climate ship, which nature is defined by the 108 Ministries of the city government, as presented in earlier edition of the annual global times magazine, no renamed to Golden Times. Golden Times goes with the name of the reference years of the library of the unity of science, The Golden Age of Enlightenment and as the main book of Rajananand at least by numbers, 10 000 copies in 1986, was called the Revolution of Science associated also with the industrial revolution and by philosophy the growth of modern democracy, it is directly associated with the Golden Age known to have started in England at the same time as they was involved with India and perhaps inspired by India including the critical approaches to change by democracy and even by war, as world war 2 mystically freed India, as _Himmler used Bagahvad Gita and the swastika cross was the symbol of the war and as World War 3, the war against the fundamentals of living a normal life and the holding of people ransom by that, is real and as bloody as world war 2 but not between nations, but between organisations within nations against people and particularly young people in general. These are just association showing the perspective our Golden Age of Enlightenment is growing from, but mainly the golden opportunities for the whole world, one and all, given by Rajan and the world, as it is in the challenge and opportunities of time the science of wholeness founded by Rajan in 1980 then known as Stein Roar Andersen, now registered Rajananand Dhananjaya. So if most people in the world agree, would you favour that all governments at least for some time with few exceptions get the global responsibility for all energy production with or without those in business today in order to rescue the world, would you say yes, too! If most people
in the world say ye, this means most experts on all fields have found nothing wrong with the tactical answers to the war, even though strategy not dependents on the climate ship solutions or by stock company new to be developed welcomes all technology which is best or suitable, as part of the integrated growth. The income may cover the changes needed to build new not costing people more than before and give a guaranteed minimum income to one and all, too, covering their or our democratic control of the activities. Our enterprise is not based on such an organisation of energy production, but is the only organisation which is suitable for such a global change and is consider part of building the infrastructure of global integrity without damaging the world. As guaranteed minimum income may be covered within the enterprise in many ways and except for some free energy to all persons in the world may be natural, leaving it to stock companies where the climate fund enjoys 50% of the stocks governing decisions in the company and representing in the company world democracy, the organisation of stock companies and new nations by floating cities as well, is from the point of view of world constitution, only originating the businesses to realize New Fundamental Economical World Order which means free a minimum of housing, clothes and food for one and all. Guaranteed Minimum Income does not fulfil this as a safety net for one and all, because it is the production which must be the stability and world economy today is really damaging the world! We have 1008 foundations established in Norway before the new law for foundations. <The old law gave foundations as ours, many without any money economy at all, freedom from demands of registrations and public control with economy and 1008 was established for the climate ship project many years ago, then climate role was not main focus of presentation as today the practical and immediate need of combating climate change or world war 3 is an inspiration for immediate action, too as mankind as a whole is at a risk more like by an alien invasion. About 1020 foundation from 1980, some research needed to find exact number, is unregistered, still protected by the laws and constitution of Norway, verifying that new laws do not change the existence of old foundation and also by the constitutional right of mild foundations not to have extra costs demands by taxes or otherwise. Foundations is most stable and well established where the World Constitution is integrated value, where the wealth owned is intellectual property as our logo, patents, architectural drawings for the ship and buildings as triumphal arches etc. Limited’s rights are shared only, as it is considered to be the property of the people of the world. The value is real and may be used for the foundations purpose only, but building a climate ship may be a project started by a foundation without the cost of finding a new ship to build! When the giver of the value Rajananand or the one of the foundations shares and dispose the value given likewise as the foundation receiving the gift for own use, limited but still a real value, the question of the giver should have no interests in the value of the mild foundation, is directly fulfilled and eliminated as a question. The 1008 foundation should correspond to the 1008 stock companies we want established in every city in the world including our climate ship and the number should be kept even though it allowed having different business purposes as well for one company. Those wanting to join the billionaire championship must do so by a climate fund stock company and programs allowing profit potential up to 100 times invested finds,
programs to build billionaire wealth also exists by ability to register many new participants, the golden pyramid game, which is not illegal at least not by the commonly known pyramid game, golden pyramid business and excellent patents becoming fast big business as electrical planes are expected to, together with companies for the extremely rich and governments investing hundreds of billions perhaps in one project, are among business opportunities in the competition. There are many skills here and persons well established in business may have that as a skill, too. Several competitions first and best qualified billionaire is planned or open for applications, most topping other activities as World Chess Stah Championship. Becoming first is top criteria, however, if something clearly may be criticized, perhaps number 2 win. Critic may be that the materials of a ship build is produced by polluting means and no compensation or balance found or given or the climate ship was build for billionaires and others with extreme luxury, and most of the profit made was by large concentrations of already black money, as money earned by oil production of a oil company invested in a palace on the ship! We are mentioning this because the combination is new but as most of the thousand of good ideas in themselves has been a long time part of the strategy, what is new is often latest application as we a long time ago made a plan most people of the world must join in realizing as our most common interact world wide.
The first action of yours may be to communicate, yes to such a question, representing yes to 1. it is a good idea if the climate fund by the worlds governments get responsibility alone for energy production, yes if most people in the world agree to a more defined question,. yes to trying to inspire 4 others to do the same, saying yes and finding 4 others 5 yes to working 2 hours a day paid against stocks by investment in climate fund stock companies for some time at least in order to build the infrastructure of global integrity. We have more easy questions, too, yes to answering more questions only or yes to answering more questions and find 4 others to do the same! Please, communicate your participation in Global Climate Voting to Rescue our World by mail and or letter to Anand.